Various Goods

      Here is just a brief selection of items and costs, as they are seen in Wa-Daisho. Remember, that some prices may seem low to us, and some may seem high. Bear in mind that Wa-Daisho, and the RIFTS World as a whole, does not have as ready access to certain commodities we do, and yet they may have an abundance of other things we do not have in abundance. Note please, that Wa-Daisho uses MOSTLY metric standards of measure; prices are listed accordingly, with imperial conversions.

  • Beverages - Alcoholic - Expanded Info.
        -Malted Brews: 1.2 - 6 credits per 650 millilitre (1 PT, 6 OZ) can.
        -Wine: 20 credits on up per litre (1 QT, 1.8 OZ) bottle.
        -Hard Liquor: 15 - 45 credits per litre (1 QT, 1.8 OZ) bottle.

  • Beverages - Non-Alcoholic - Expanded Info.
        -Soda-Pop: 1 credit per 650 millilitre (1 PT, 6 OZ) can.
        -Labrador Tea: 8 - 10.2 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Coffee: (Is really Chicory!) 15 credits per 500 gram (1.1 LBS) jar.

  • Vegetables & Fruits - Expanded Info.
        -Fruit Juices: 1.4 - 4.2 credits per litre (1 QT, 1.8 OZ) bottle.
        -Canned Fruits: 1.2 - 3.7 credits per 250 gram can (0.55 LBS).
        -Fresh Fruits: 1.5 - 5.2 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Canned Vegetables: 1 - 1.5 credits per 250 gram can (0.55 LBS).
        -Fresh Vegetables: 1 - 6 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Dried Herbs: 2 - 5 credits per 100 gram (3.5 OZ) jar.

  • Commodities - Expanded Info.
        -Flour: 5 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Rice: 4 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Wild Rice: 2.5 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Potatoes: 2 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Dried Beans: 2 - 2.2 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Oatmeal: 1.6 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).

  • Meats - Expanded Info.
        -Beef or Mutton: 5-10 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Pork: 10-18 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Venison: 8-15 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Chicken, Turkey, Duck, or Goose: 2-6 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).

  • Dairy - Expanded Info.
        -Milk: 2.2 - 3 credits per litre (1 QT, 1.8 OZ) bottle.
        -Cheese: 2 - 3.5 credits per 200 gram (Appx. 7 OZ) block.
        -Cottage Cheese or Sour Cream: 3 - 3.2 credits per 100 gram (3.5 OZ) jar.
        -Yogurt: 2 credit per 100 gram (3.5 OZ) jar.

  • Sea Foods - Expanded Info.
        -Various Fish: 1.1 - 3.5 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Shellfish: 2 - 3.5 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Shrimp/Prawns: 1 credit per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Tanner Crab: 3.2 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).
        -Crab: 2.8 credits per kilogram (2.2 LBS).

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