The Military Engineer of Wa-Daisho is the specialist arm of the Red Devils. Similar to the CS Technical Officer, there are a number of different fields that the Military Engineer can enter - among those are Coreman (Medic), Mechanical/Electrical Technician, Communications, Demolitions/Heavy Weapons, & Espionage/Intelligence.
Training for the Engineer begins with the same 12 week boot that all Red Devils receive at the onset of their training. For twelve weeks their bodies are honed to becoming a true athletic form, before selection for the special occupations is begun. For the Military Engineer, the traits the training officers look for, varies with the fields that they will be trained in. Intelligence is tantamount above all, but an aptitude with machines helps, a past with engineering work, and many former mercenaries who specialized in heavy weapons also fall under this role.
Unlike the Samurai, Engineer training is much more lengthy and mentally grueling than physical. After the initial 12 weeks of boot, they are subjected to an additional 36 weeks of training - in their specific field of expertise.
This class of trooper, is more the brains of the behind the scenes situations. The Coremen are the men and women who rush to the aide of troops who are downed. The Technicians are the ones who repair equipment between operations, or even in the field. The Communications experts are the ones who operate the advanced communications systems of military vehicles and installations. The Demolitions & Heavy Weapons Engineers are the ones who set the heavy charges, and the ones who operate the squad support weapons or weapon systems of vehicles. The Espionage/Intelligence experts are the men and women who gather intelligence and operate along side of Delta Special Battalion in behind the lines operations. Each is an expert in his or her field, and assist the multi-role military of Wa-Daisho to the best of their abilities.
The Military Engineer of Wa-Daisho is generally regarded in much the same way as the standard Samurai Trooper of Wa-Daisho. They are highly respected for their morals and ethics, and their willingness to sacrifice this period in their lives so that the people of Wa-Daisho, and her allies may be safe. The respect for honor that they are taught in training, teaches them how to operate effectively in the chain of command Wa-Daisho holds. It also teaches them how to treat innocents, and civilians - holding themselves with much the same attitude as the legendary Cyber-Knights, and although they are not appreciated for being anything more than troopers, they take this in stride knowing full well the sacrifices they have made for the good of the Republic.
Attribute Requirements: IQ: 12, ME: 10, PS: 12, & a PP: 12 or better.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 vs Horror Factor, +1 Initiative, +10 S.D.C., +3 to PS, PE, & Spd.
Starting Rank: Cadet. (After 3 months, they qualify for a review to become a Soldier.) For details on rank see; Wa-Daisho's Military Structure.
O.C.C. Skills:
Radio Basic (+10%; +30% if a Communications Engineer.)
Language Native: 98%
Language Japanese (+10%)
Language One of Choice: (+10%)
Advanced Math (+15%)
First Aid (+5%; +30% if a Coreman.)
Navigation (+5%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%; +30% if an Intelligence Engineer.)
Pilot Hovercraft (+5%)
W.P. Daisho
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Read Sensory Equipment
Computer Operations (+10%)
Hand to Hand Martial Arts
Specialization Skills: The Military Engineer of Wa-Daisho is allowed to select five skills, which he/she will specialize in by attaining a higher percentage bonus according to his/her training. Note that the suggested skills, are only an example of a good selection layout - however, if the player so decides, he or she may select different skills from these categories rather than those displayed.
Coreman (Medic): Select from Science & Medical. (A good even mix would be Paramedic, Field Surgery, Biology, Xenology, & Chemistry.) (+25%)
Mechanical/Electrical Engineer: Select from Mechanical & Electrical. (A good even mix would be Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Weapons Engineer, Robot Electronics, & Robot Mechanics.) (+25%)
Communications Engineer: Select from Communications & Technical. (A good even mix would be Radio Scramblers, Cryptography, Surveillance Systems, TV/Video, & a Language - American if not already known.) (+25%)
Demolitions/Heavy Weapons Engineer: Select from Military & W.P.s. (A good even mix would be W.P. Heavy Energy, W.P. Heavy, Demolitions, Demolitions Disposals, & Armorer.) (+25%)
Espionage/Intelligence Engineer: Select from Espionage & Rogue. (A good even mix would be Intelligence, Prowl, Detect Concealment, Streetwise, & Escape Artist. If Infiltration is the character's focus however, Intelligence, Streetwise, Imitate Voices, Disguise, & Forgery would be the best skills to select.) (+25%)
OCC Related Skills: The character may also select 4 other skills. The character may also select two more skills at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15.
Communications: Any (+5%; +20% if Specialized.)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only (Any & +20% if Specialized.)
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Mechanical: Basic or Automotive only (Any & +20% if Specialized.)
Medical: Paramedic only (Any & +20% if Specialized)
Military: Any (+5%; +20% if Specialized.)
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable)
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rogue: Any (+20% if Specialized)
Science: Any (+20% if Specialized)
Technical: Any (+10%; +20% if Specialized))
W.P.: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: The character may also select 4 other skills representing the characters hobbies or past times, from the list above plus an additional skill at levels 4, 8, & 12.
Cybernetics: Due to the diversity in the races of Wa-Daisho this is not a required feature, but those who wish to, may receive a head jack and optic nerve video implant.
Standard Equipment: The Wa-Daisho Military Engineer receives the following equipment for use while in service in Wa-Daisho;
Republican Industries Type 6 GPMEBA General Purpose Military Environmental Body Armor
Republican Industries Type 7 VSPLR Variable Spectrum Pulse Laser Rifle
Republican Industries Type 9 HLP Heavy Laser Pistol
12 Short Energy Clips
Vibro Knife (1D6 M.D.)
Vibro Katana (3D6 M.D.)
Vibro Wakizashi (2D6 M.D.)
3 Grenades (2 Plasma, 1 High Explosive.)
3 Signal Flares
Utility Belt
Gas Mask
Air Filter
Walkie-Talkie Style Radio (5 mile range.)
Multi-Tool (Nano-tech item attained through Phase World Trade, that morphs into different tools merely by selecting it on a series of dials on the handle.)
Portable Language Translator (With update disk.)
First Aid Kit
3 Weeks Rations
Multi-Optics Band
Sleeping Bag
Water Purification Filter
Geiger Counter
Silver Cross
3 Wooden Stakes
Wa-Daisho Samurai License
Concealed Weapons License
RI Type 9 HLP Licensing (For duration of Service)
RI Type 7 VSPLR Licensing (For duration of Service)
Alliance Bank Credit Account Card & ID
2 Sets of Military Fatigues - Marine Green, with low visibility markings.
1 Dress Uniform - Black, with red and gold markings.
Personal Items
Equipment Available on Assignment: The characters may receive a variety of extraneous equipment as per their assignment. Many Military Engineers are assigned to serve on a vessel of some sort, in any number of positions. However, generally here is the standard equipment granted to each Specialization Form;
1. Coreman (Medic): These men receive a number of items, including a satchel with extra bandages, an assortment of medications, three liters of synthetic blood in 500 milliliter bags, six liters of intravenous fluids, all the equipment necessary for an IV, as well as a series of five pockets with five short E-clips contained within. (In addition to those given above.) The main equipment change however, is that the Coreman is NOT issued a rifle, but is instead issued a Shield of Amaterasu, a protective armored shield that weighs 25 Lb., has 65 M.D.C., & contains a vast supply of medical equipment. Included are two complete first aid kits, a surgical tool kit, a set of cardiac paddles, a heart & lung monitor, an oxygen compressor & regulator, an oxygen mask with 4' of hose, two RMK, 6 IRMSS, a Compu-Drug Dispenser, Palm Bio Unit, 5 tubes protein healing salve, 3 rolls of suture tape, as well as a pair of collapsed stretchers, that also serve as the cover to the back of the shield when not in use. The carrying mechanism to the shield is arranged as a rigid armored loop the arm fits through, in front of which is a single rigid grip that protrudes outward, that the medic may grip, to gain more control over the heavy shield. When necessary to use both arms, the shield may either be dropped, slung on an ammo belt to hang over the back. Most often however, when helping to carry a stretcher, the handle is just released, and the shield is allowed to hold to the Coreman's arm by the rigid armored loop giving him or her use of the hand while still not releasing the shield. During critical care on the battlefield, the coreman merely thrusts the shield downward and a spring loaded blade shoots out of the base of the shield embedding into the ground. It is a angled blade that gives it greater support when placed into soil of most any kind - much like a tent stake. This gives the working medic, and the patient, some measure of cover, plus it allows the coreman to mount any IV fluids to be given, an elevated place to mount them on. (Naturally this shield supported by the single stake doesn't help much with fast moving projectiles, BUT for lasers and the like, it protects well.) The electronics in the shield are operated by a single E-clip slid into the back of the shield, and is good for up to 5 hours critical service.
2. Mechanical/Electrical Technician: The Mechanical/Electrical Technician is issued a satchel pack with five more multi-tools, five short E-clips, a diagnostics computer, Laser Wand, Laser Torch, a large selection of transistors for electronics & supplies for installation, extra lenses and energy capacitators for Type 9 HLPs & Type 7 VSPLRs, several armor patches. Any other equipment necessary for repair must be issued upon request, or be attained in a repair depot where more complete repairs might be conducted. This listed equipment is just the standard equipment the Technician would be equipped with when sent into the field.
3. Communications Engineer: They are issued a Laser Wand, if a cyptographer he or she will have a number of hand books on known radio codes and script languages. As a communications expert, their equipment aside from these items will largely be based upon the assignment. In the field they will be assigned a backpack radio with a 45 mile range, however, if they are assigned the operations of a vehicles communications systems, then they will not be assigned this back pack radio.
4. Demolitions/Heavy Weapons Engineer: The Demolitions expert is outfitted with equipment that best suits his/her focus of expertise. If they are a disposals expert, they will be assigned a number of tools used in deactivation and/or disposal of the bomb. If they are however a demolitions expert, they will be assigned whatever ordinance is appropriate for a mission, if nothing in the mission calls for use of such equipment, then they will operate simply as a Samurai Trooper with no unusual equipment. If however, they are a Heavy Weapons Specialist, then they will be assigned a Republican Industries Type 13 RFFC Rapid Fire Field Cannon with 3 extra ammo drums in place of 6 of the 12 short E-clips typically equipped.
5. Espionage & Intelligence Engineer: In the field it largely depends on the mission. If it's "simple" behind the lines intelligence, it may be nothing more than a pair of no glare lense binoculars, and a couple of cans of odorless quick dry paint for camo of the armor. For more elaborate operations however, it could be necessary for entire identities to be created for the operative, complete with background, additional contacts, identification, money, a full set of equipment, and similar. When not in the field, the Espionage & Intelligence Engineer typically spend a great deal of time studying reports, and information to keep the knowledge fresh in their minds, and up to date. Standard equipment in this sort of situation, is a great deal of paper work, perhaps an attache case, a number of utensils used in writing, as well as disks full of valuable information. Note that this information would not be very sensitive at the rank of Cadet, or anything less than Lieutenant.
Note: Under most circumstances, the body armor, side arm, & Vibro Daisho (Katana & Wakizashi) are allowed to be kept by the Engineer after his/her service is complete. They are considered symbols of their noble service to the Republic of Wa-Daisho. In regards to these items, most former Engineers, if Wa-Daisho were ever endangered, would again don their weapons and armor and would report to the Republican Guard Division for assignment. These reinstated engineers would be used to great effect in support of operational field units, rather than in direct combat.
Money: Starts with 1D6+1 months worth of Cadet pay, which would be 2,500 credits a month.
Wa-Daisho Military Engineer Experience Points Table: Same as the Wa-Daisho Power Armor Commando table.