New Haven's Military Structure
Originally New Haven's military structure strongly reflected those used in in the "Central Power Region", which were themselves descended from the US Army of the 21st century. In 83PA however, this system was abolished in favor of a new rank system that had fewer administrative positions. These ranks, insignia and uniforms were again revised in 110PA and are displayed below.

Note that these insignia and colors are divided by branch, Army, Navy and Air Force respectively. Displayed on the left are full dress rank insignia and those on the right are casual and utility dress insignia.
Pay Scale
Cadet: 2,500 credits a month. (Fresh out of advanced training, now in operational training.)
Soldier/Oarsman/Airman: 2,600 credits a month. (A troop that has proven their capabilities as a capable soldier.)
Squad Leader/Senior Oarsman/Senior Airman: Same as Soldiers. (A senior or more qualified Soldier that has authority over others.)
Sergeant/Petty Officer: 2,800 credits a month. (Commands a squad and takes commands from a Lieutenant in his Platoon.)
Lieutenant: 3,000 credits a month. (Commands a Platoon in the Army and takes commands from the Major in his Company. A Naval Lieutenant commands a Flotilla and takes orders from the Captain in his Detachment.)
Captain: 4,000 credits a month. (Commands a Naval Detachment and takes commands from the Vice Admiral in his Naval Battle Group.)
Major: 4,000 credits a month. (Commands an Army Company and takes commands from the Vice General in his Army Battalion.)
* Vice Admiral: 5,500 credits a month. (Commands a Naval Battle Group and takes commands from the Admiral in his Naval Task Force.
* Vice General: 5,500 credits a month. (Commands an Army Battalion and takes commands from the General in his Army Regiment.)
Admiral: 10,000 credits a month. (Commands a Naval Task Force and takes commands from the Supreme Admiral in his Naval Fleet.)
General: 10,000 credits a month. (Commands an Army Regiment and takes commands from the Supreme General in his Army Division.)
Supreme Admiral: 25,000 credits a month. (Commands a Naval Fleet and takes commands from the Supreme Commander directly.)
Supreme General: 25,000 credits a month. (Commands an Army Division and takes commands from the Supreme Commander directly.)
Supreme Commander: 50,000 credits a month. (A member of the Republican Council, he acts as the Military's voice on the council, notifies them of the status of the combined armed forces, capabilities, needs, etc.)
* Vice Admiral/General is the highest rank a player character should ever be capable of achieving unless it is planned that the player character will be relegated to NPC status upon a promotion.
Pay Modifiers
Hazard Pay: Any time the trooper is in the vicinity of where enemy action is taking place during that month of operations, increase salary by 10%.
Foreign Theater Deployment: Any time the trooper is deployed to a region/territory not claimed by the Republic of New Haven, increase salary by 5%.
Long Range Mission Duty: Occasionally long range/foreign service missions will be offered for volunteers. Payment is standard salary, in addition to guaranteed Hazard Pay, in addition to a monetary bonus upon completion of the assignment of 3D6x1,000 credits.
Injury or Death Compensation: If a trooper is injured while on duty, until he or she recuperates enough to return to active duty, the trooper will receive standard pay as though they are on active duty. If the injury is debilitating enough to where they cannot finish their tour of duty, pay will remain the same until the appointed end of their tour of duty. In the instance of death while on duty, the funeral expenses are fully paid by the Republic, and the family will receive the deceased trooper's monthly salary as is usual for ten years, or in the alternative the family can opt to receive a lump sum equal to five years of active duty.
Uniforms of New Haven's Military

There are four standard uniforms used by the Republic of New Haven, Full Dress, Casual Dress, Utility Dress, and Combat Dress. Full Dress is a black uniform with red highlights, gold fittings, and displays full military decorations, including ribbons, medals, and awards. These uniforms are typically worn to special occasions such as weddings, funerals, award ceremonies, ceremonial inspections, and similar. Officers are required to wear their side arm and vibro-tachi. Casual Dress is a marine green color with black highlights, brass fittings, ribbons and slightly dulled officer's decorations where applicable. Casual Dress is worn to parties, dances, holiday celebrations, and similar that may not warrant the use of full dress. Officers are required to wear their side arm and vibro-tachi. Utility Dress is composed of marine green combat fatigues worn at all times when on duty and combat is not likely to transpire. The only decorations permitted on this uniform is the use of Tanto or Tachi of the Republic, and only then when fitted with standard black sheathes. Wearing of a side arm and vibro-tachi are usually required when outside. Combat Dress is worn at all times that combat can potentially or is likely to ensue, and is composed of the standard military environmental body armor issued by the Republic of New Haven. Decorations in combat dress share the same restrictions as utility dress. Wearing of the side arm and vibro-tachi are required while in combat dress.

Markings & Decorations
New Haven's uniform types are decorated in a variety of ways. The four universal markings between uniforms are; Rank Insignia, Unit Insignia, Specialization Insignia, and Service Stripes. These four are displayed at all times for ease of identification and to best allocate specialists where necessary. When losses or disputes arise, display of seniority helps to ensure that the most experienced of the lower ranks assumes command.

1. Rank Insignia:These markings invariably are carried on the shoulders so that the rank of the individual is identifiable from either side.
2. Unit Insignia: A small pin located on the right collar indicates the division and company via color and numeric designation and is universal between full dress, casual dress, and utility dress. In combat dress the unit insignia is stenciled onto the right collar area of the armor.
3. Specialization Insignia: A small pin located on the left collar indicates the individual's specialized training and is universal between full dress, casual dress, and utility dress. In combat dress the specialization insignia is stenciled onto the left collar area of the armor.
4. Service Stripes: For every five years of service a single stripe is added to the sleeve of the individual's uniforms. For Utilities and Casual Dress this is a black embroidered stripe while for Full Dress it is a red embroidered stripe. In Combat Dress the stripes are stenciled right onto the armor in dull black paint.
Non-Commissioned Officer & Commissioned Officer Specific Markings
5. Shoulder Brass (Chain): Sergeants and Officers of all ranks display what is commonly referred to as "shoulder brass", or a length of brass chain with box-like links over one of the shoulders in both casual and full dress uniforms. Sergeants wear shoulder brass over the left shoulder while officers of all other ranks wear it over their right shoulder. In dress uniforms the box-like links are gold in color while in the casual dress it is brass.
6. Epaulettes: Only the uniform of the Supreme Commander features these distinctive markings, which are essentially gold fittings that attach to the shoulders and dangle small strips of decorative metal over the upper arm a short distance. (The Supreme Commander is always observed in full dress uniform.)
7. Head Brass: This looks very similar to the shoulder brass, but is not actually a chain, but a gold band that attaches at the sides of the officer's cap at the base of the visor. Officers of all ranks display this gold band around the front of the officers cap in both casual and full dress uniforms. Lieutenants have only a single bar at the center of the visor, Captain/Major has three, Vice Admiral/Vice General has five, Admiral/General has seven, and Supreme Admiral/Supreme General has nine. The Supreme Commander wears a solid gold band that goes around the front of the officer's cap with a garnet carved 'bullhead' logo set in the center.
Campaign Badges & Merits
Campaign Badges & Merits are all different sorts of Ribbons. These are assigned for anything from special training and special qualifications to participating in particular incidents, battles or for having an extraordinary service record. These are displayed in the customary 'board' fashion of the 21st century US Military on the upper right breast. Medals issued frequently have a ribbon counterpart. Ribbons are worn on both the casual and full dress uniforms but never on utilities or combat dress.

Liberation of Desert Star: This ribbon was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite that were directly involved in the Liberation of Desert Star on July 21st-22nd, 75PA from a CS Special Forces Occupational Force and subsequently fought against and defeated a rapid deployment force intending to recapture the Kingdom of Desert Star..
Relief & Reconstruction of Desert Star: This ribbon was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite that participated in the reconstruction efforts of damaged structures left by the CS invasion, treatment of the injured, counseling of those suffering from emotional trauma, and working to restructure and reestablish a stronger and less cumbersome military for the Kingdom of Desert Star, later known as the N.O.M.A.D. (Night Or Midday, Assault or Defense.) Military between 75-77PA.
Wasatch Fault Conflict Campaign: This ribbon was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite and N.O.M.A.D. Military Personnel that engaged a substantial raider band numbering between 2,500-4,000 members in strength that had begun raiding border communities, mining settlements and farmsteads. The conflict continued from May 4th-8th, 76PA, when their remaining members, believed to number no more than 200-300 individuals escaped southward beyond the borders of the Kingdom of Desert Star.
Diplomatic Expedition to Vancouver Island: This ribbon was issued to approximately 30 member of the Tamiya Elite that were present for and participated in the Diplomatic Mission of May 1, 77PA that would eventually lead to the foundation of the Republic of New Haven.
Kwakwaka'wakw-Horune Conflict Campaign: Piracy and slavery, long having been a problem for the Pacific North West, led to the Kwakwaka'wakw-Horune Conflict Campaign to be waged against one of the Kwakwaka'wakw Nations that had fallen under the control of Horune pirates that had established a stronghold on an island in the dangerous Uktena Strait, the stretch of sea between Vancouver Island and the mainland of old British Columbia. The ribbon was issued to all Tamiya Elite and Nuu-Chah-Nulth combatants that participated in the campaign to defeat this stronghold between June 2nd and August 20th, 77PA.
Vancouver Island Colonization Defense Campaign: This ribbon was issued was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite that were present for and participated in the defense of colonization operations, including oversea and land transport, guarding construction sites and participating in the numerous diplomatic missions between July 14th, 77PA to May 1st, 80PA.
Regency of New Haven Defensive Campaign: This ribbon was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite as well as the fledgeling New Haven Bushi that were presently in service defending the Regency period of New Haven and the nation it represented, between May 1st, 80PA and May 1st 85PA..
Republic of New Haven Defensive Campaign: This ribbon was issued to all members of the Tamiya Elite as well as the current generation of New Haven Bushi that have served in the defense of the Republic from May 1st, 85PA to the present...
Blackshark Conflict: This ribbon was issued to any member of the Navy, Air Force or Tamiya Elite that participated in the Blackshark Conflict of June 12th, 85PA in which elements of New Haven's Military attempted to defend a Water Point Preserve freighter, named the Blackshark, against a Horune pirate attack. Despite their valiant efforts they were soundly defeated by the Horune Dream Ship and could only watch as the Blackshark was plundered of her cargo, crew and set ablaze.
Battle of Waadah Island: This ribbon was issued to any member of the New Haven Navy that participated in what later came to be known as the Battle of Waadah Island, an event that took place on February 7th, 87PA, when a pair of Naut'Yll Red Trident Assault Submersibles were detected near the coastal island by passive sonar sensors monitored by Coastal Security Personnel of the Republican Guard. Attempts to convince them to leave New Haven's waters peaceably were rebuffed and after warning shots were ignored, and when that failed, naval aircraft and surface vessels engaged in combat with the hostile vessels resulting in one confirmed sunk and the other severely damaged but was allowed to leave New Haven's territorial waters. (This marked the first significant naval victory of the Republic of New Haven.)
Haida Gwaii War: Since long before New Haven was founded in the Pacific North West, the Haida tribal peoples were a fanatically traditional war-like tribe that engaged in routine raiding of neighboring tribes for valuables, food, weapons, tools and slaves. Several skirmishes had already occurred between the New Haven Military and the Haida, between 77PA and 89PA, but in the winter of 89PA these raids intensified and caused significant civil unrest. As a result, The Republic of New Haven, the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, and Water Point Preserve declared war against Haida Gwaii on December 18th, 89PA. Mystical tidal forces prevented beachhead assaults, though New Haven Air Force hover-chopper and fighter-bombers were able to destroy several hundred war-canoes, while New Haven Army power armor and aerial dropped infantry were able to engage traditionalist warriors at several key tribal communities before withdrawing so as to prevent occupation/collateral damage in the form of civilian casualties. Meanwhile the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Water Point Preserve Navy and New Haven Navy formed a Naval blockade of Haida Gwaii to contain them and prevent reprisal attacks. Several naval engagements between the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Water Point Preserve Traditionalists and Haida warriors took place, supported by elements of the Modern Indians of Water Point Preserve and the New Haven Navy. By April 11th, 92PA the Haida were desperate for food and medicine typically obtained via trade, and offered an unconditional surrender of all slaves captured in the past 12 years and a non-aggression treaty against the Republic, Water Point Preserve and the Nuu-Chah-Nulth was signed. With this marking the ending of hostilities, the blockade was broken up and this ribbon was issued to all participating members of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Water Point Preserve as well as New Haven's Military.
Freighter War: On March 11th, 104PA the WPPS Polaris, a medium freighter, disappeared shortly after reporting being approached by a No-Dachi Class Corvette flying New Haven's Naval Flag. The following day, Water Point Preserve's Modern Indian Tribal Council demanded to know of the purpose of the vessel's approach and the fate of the Polaris. Checking with the Territorial Waters Patrol Fleet, none of New Haven's No-Dachi Class Corvettes were within 40 miles of the Polaris when the transmission was supposedly sent, and this was revealed peacefully via the embassy in Water Point Preserve. It was then revealed that the Polaris carried, as part of its cargo, an extremely valuable cargo of precious and semi-precious stones bound for New Hope. The Tribal Council, acting in a peculiar fashion on March 15th, 104PA, arrested those at New Haven's embassy and demanded the return of the cargo, vessel and crew of the Polaris. If their demand was not met within 24 hours, Water Point Preserve intended to declare an open state of war with the Republic! Reluctantly, the Republican Council severed diplomatic relations until the situation was resolved, and placed the military on high alert for aggressive actions made by their former ally. Indeed, in the early morning hours of March 16th, 104PA war began between the two nations. Thousands of citizens of Water Point Preserve were sent to their deaths in juvenile tactical plans that left them open for obliteration by the more heavily armed and more highly trained New Haven Military. By March 23rd, 104PA the majority of Water Point Preserve's Army had been destroyed attempting to capture Taylorville, two of their fleet submarines had been destroyed, while the other two were crippled and captured, and the Katana Class Patrol Boats employed by Water Point Preserve had been sunk by patrol planes. The peculiarity of the Modern Native American Tribal Council's actions were disconcerting not only to the Republican Council but also to the citizens of Water Point Preserve, Modern and Traditionalist. By the evening of March 23rd, 104PA New Haven's Navy had formed a solid blockade of Water Point Preserve's waters. New Haven's Army had essentially besieged and surrounded the modern city of Water Point Preserve, along with elements of the Naval Marines, combined with power armor and aircraft dominating the skies overhead - all with the blessings of the Traditionalists of several bands within Water Point Preserve. Within the city was chaos, the citizens were angry for the senseless deaths of their relatives in attacking a powerful nation like New Haven, when NO evidence had been provided to substantiate the report that any New Haven vessels were in the vicinity of the Polaris. Meanwhile the Tribal Council demanded conscription of the citizenry to break the siege at all costs. Riots and open fighting broke out within the city prompting New Haven's Army and Makah Traditionalists to enter the city as peacekeepers to stop the quarrel and to capture the Tribal Council. The moment that New Haven's Bushi broke into the Tribal Council's compound they appeared confused, emaciated, and delirious. This marked the end of the short lived Freighter War and in subsequent weeks it was discovered that the Tribal Council had fallen under the mind control of a group of powerful Mind Melters led by a Raksasha known to be affiliated with the Vampire Kingdoms, an old nemesis of New Haven's founder, Tamiya Nyan. The Polaris was later found, beached on the Olympic Peninsula, it's crew slaughtered, and it's valuable cargo stolen and taken presumably to the Vampire Kingdoms. In the aftermath, this ribbon was issued to any member of New Haven's Military that was present for and participated in the short lived and tragic Freighter War.
Pecos Regional Conflict: With the build up of mercenaries, troops, bandits and supernatural creatures in Tolkeen it left a huge power vacuum in the Pecos Region bordering the Vampire infested lands to the South. El Paso, Ciudad Juarez and a number of other communities organized a petition requesting the military aid of the Tamiya Elite, a powerful mercenary unit known for taking on extremely dangerous anti-supernatural assignments for reasonably low pay. The duration of the contract was undefined as it could last as long as the Tolkeenite War that was brewing and perhaps longer yet still pending the outcome. The Tamiya Elite deliberated on the matter for a short time before agreeing to the terms of the contract, to serve as a peacekeeping force to quell bandit raids and to annihilate vampire dens whenever discovered. The contract began on May 14th, 106PA and lasted until November 1st, 109PA. Virtually every member of the Tamiya Elite rotated into the Pecos Regional Theater at least once during the contract that was punctuated with countless skirmishes against Coalition Search & Destroy units, Pecos Raiders and Vampires. Each member of the Tamiya Elite was granted this campaign badge for their contributions to the civil populace of the region, even in the face of growing rumors of the Vampire Kingdoms uniting under one common banner for an unknown objective. Given that the Pecos Regional Conflict Contract ended after Operation Helping Hand, it proved to be the last campaign, conflict, or battle that the Tamiya Elite participated in prior to its dissolution.
Battle of St. Lawrence: After Operation Sorcerer's Revenge, launched by Tolkeen, the Tolkeenites offered Free Quebec their aid in defeating the Coalition States, which Free Quebec clandestinely agreed towards. Given New Haven's alliance with Tolkeen, the Republican Council felt that this was the time for New Haven's military might to be brought to bear to battle against the tyranny of the Coalition States. If, with Tolkeen's aid, Free Quebec were to win the conflict it could mean a new beginning for non-magic users, magic users, humans and D-Bees. Thus the South Pacific Fleet was dispatched to pass into the Atlantic and provide Naval assistance to the Free Quebecois Navy in conjunction with Tolkeenite forces lending their mystical aid by land. At 0012 hours of September 23rd, 108PA a Splugorthian Mothership was identified on the horizon, roughly four hours out from the mouth of the St. Lawrence, but it did not apparently detect the submersible fleet that was streaming towards the war zone. At 0432 hours on September 23rd, 108PA a Tombo Hover-Chopper flying recon low over a channel of islands south of the mouth of the St. Lawrence. The Tombo's crew hastily identified a large Coalition Fleet that had pinned down a fair sized battle group of the Free Quebecois Navy and were engaged in heavy combat. With New Haven's Fleet concealed behind the small channel of islands, Supreme Admiral Tovstogan made the decision to launch the Typhoon's aircraft, and have them approach from low altitude, discharge their missile and torpedo compliments, make a single strafing run on light escort vessels, and then disengage and fly back around the side of the island. Meanwhile using targeting data transmitted via the Tombo Reconnaissance C&C Combat Computer, the Daikyu Assault Submarines and Typhoon used indirect fire from cannons and missiles to strike at the capital class ships of the CS Fleet, crippling several of them and causing severe disarray in their formations. Meanwhile the Typhoon recovered its aircraft, while the Quebecois ships used the opportunity to slip away. Afterwards, the New Haven's fleet submerged and headed south east in the direction the Splugorthian Mothership was last seen. As predicted, those vessels that could give pursuit, along with aircraft from their carriers swarmed after the South Pacific Fleet of New Haven's Navy, lacking the ability to precisely locate the sonar resistant vessels, and being lead in an erratic pattern out to sea, the CS Navy was not able to make a single significant attack against the New Haven Navy. Once the mothership was on the horizon, however, the fleet headed deep and hid in the submarine topography of the continental shelf. Immediately spotting the massive alien vessel, the CS Navy attacked the vessel believed to be the mothership behind the attack on their forces. Approximately half of the Coalition Navy was obliterated in the brutal 45 minute sea battle that followed, while only a handful of the pursuers were able to escape the massive vessel's onslaught. Despite Free Quebec's subsequent betrayal of The Kingdom of Tolkeen, all participating members of the South Pacific Fleet involved in the daring Battle of St. Lawrence received this ribbon. Supreme Admiral Ivan Tovstogan received the Republic's Valorous Service Medal as a result of his quick thinking and tactical expertise that successfully eliminated a fleet that vastly outnumbered their own at the loss of only a quartet of Sea Hayabusa and a single Naginata Class Submersible Catamaran.
Operation Helping Hand: This ribbon was issued to all participants of the daring airlift operation to evacuate Tolkeenite civilians and military personnel that had been separated from their units during the final days of the Kingdom of Tolkeen between August 2nd and August 23rd, 109PA. An entirely volunteer based operation, elements of New Haven's Air Force, Army, Navy, Tamiya Elite, the Kingdom of Desert Star's N.O.M.A.D. Military, as well as the participation of the famed 9th Royal Tolkeen Fighter Squadron - Ghost Squadron, managed to evacuate nearly a hundred thousand citizens and refugees from Tolkeen to Crab Apple Cove near the Casper Preserve, where a tent city had been established to house them pending permanent resettlement. The operation cost the lives of several of the volunteers and while intended as a civil evacuation operation, found themselves in heavy combat situations on several occasions.
Battle of Church Rock: Given the dangers of freight transport on the high seas, most freighters travel in convoys for mutual protection from pirates and sea monster attacks. Unfortunately this tactic is not always successful, as it was not in the afternoon hours of July 11th, 110PA just off the North East coast of Catalina Island, a mere hour before reaching the Free Port of Avalon. The half dozen vessels, three of which were of light freighters designed by Water Point Preserve, one was a refurbished dry cargo container ship loaded with grain, and two were Beacher Class Light Transport Landing Ships. Two vessels flew the colors of Water Point Preserve, one flew the colors of Tritonia, while the remaining three flew New Haven's colors. These vessels were attacked ruthlessly by small submersibles which crippled them and starting numerous fires, as the ships began to list and sink, however, attack aircraft bearing CS Markings appeared overhead and began attacking the already sinking ships and strafing the lifeboats and those in the water. The two Beacher Class submersibles, armed with six Type 84 LGC each manned by New Haven Navy Gunners continued to fire upon the enemy aircraft and submersibles until they had either capsized or were listing too badly to maintain their positions at the gun nests. Two aircraft were damaged by their valiant efforts and it is believed that they saved the lives of many in the water. All 32 New Haven Naval Gunners received a ribbon for the Battle of Church Rock, and twelve were issued the Outstanding Service Medal for their efforts - three posthumously.
Battle of Galapagos Trench: The Battle of Church Rock was only the beginning of an especially harrowing naval engagement that lasted for 15 days, beginning On July 13th, 110PA when the Typhoon, which had been separated from its escorts by an unseasonable storm the previous day, arrived on the scene to search for survivors and evidence of who was responsible for the destruction of the convoy. Amidst the flotsam were several bodies but there were survivors as well scattered across a ten mile stretch of sea - only a handful of which were powerful enough swimmers to actually reach Catalina Island against the ocean current. During the operation to rescue the survivors, the survivors and rescuers came under fire by mini-submarines of CS Type! The Typhoon's crew managed to destroy two and drive away the rest. Unfortunately only 43 survivors were recovered from the believed 182 crew members aboard the half dozen ships. When radar detected incoming attack aircraft, the Typhoon performed an emergency dive and headed for shallow waters to lose their pursuers among the uneven terrain of the oceanic shelf. A derelict and rusty oil derrick was located on passive sonar from the creaking of the metal in the oceanic current, and so the Typhoon maneuvered as close to it as was conceivably safe. Radar ID indicated that the aircraft were unmistakably CS Sea Striker Attack Aircraft, and via radar detector buoy they were able to read that they had lost track of the Typhoon some 25 miles away, but were scouring the area in a grid. Using the derrick as a mask for the Typhoon's radar signature, Supreme Admiral Tovstogan ordered the vessel to surface and launch two squadrons of Sea Hayabusa for Air-to-Air Combat and for a third to be on standby for Air-to-Sea Combat. Once the two squadrons had taken off, the Typhoon had instructed the squadron commanders that the Typhoon would be in silent running mode and would be heading for a narrow but deep inlet twenty five miles south east of their position. The Sea Hayabusa tore the Sea Strikers apart, and headed North East until they were well over the Sierra Nevadas, cloaked, and moved towards their rendezvous point with the Typhoon. In the next engagement, Captain Sir Brad Tate, followed CS Dagger Bombers after their failed attack on the Typhoon to witness them landing on a massive submersible carrier identified via Intelligence sources as unmistakably a Triax Industries developed Poseidon Class Heavy Submersible Carrier. Given that it carried CS aircraft and bore CS Markings, either the CS were producing them under license or they had purchased one or more from the NGR to compensate for the losses sustained at the Battle of St. Lawrence; Or more likely to eliminate New Haven's Naval power. Numerous aerial clashes were made before the Typhoon was able to rendezvous with its Daikyu Assault Submarine escorts on July 27th, 110PA - near a small chain of islands off of Central America, called the Galapagos Islands. Studying maps of the ocean topography it was determined that a deep trench lay very near these islands beneath the thermal layer making sonar identification virtually impossible when running silent; Furthermore the CS had no idea that the Typhoon had recently been rejoined by her escort vessels. Thus Supreme Admiral Tovstogan gave the order for the Typhoon to surface with four Sea Hayabusa outfitted for reconnaissance and equipped with Sonar Buoy Pods, while all others were outfitted for fighter/air-to-sea combat. He eased the Typhoon out from behind the islands allowing the CS Poseidon a glimpse of the Typhoon as she launched her fighters, and then crash dived beneath the waves and headed into the trench. The Poseidon disgorged three squadrons of Shrikes to deal with the Sea Hayabusa, while they dove to head after the Typhoon along with their light escort vessels. The Shrikes proved to be skilled combatants but were no comparison for the wicked performance of the Sea Hayabusa, and they fell to the sea one by one. Meanwhile the sonar buoy pod outfitted Sea Hayabusa scattered their pods in the sea and transmitted the data regarding the Poseidon's ever movement, in addition to her escorts. Furthermore HE Medium Range Torpedoes were disgorged against the Poseidon, which was forced to take evasive action and to actively defend itself rather than focusing on traps. It shed it's light escorts to engage the aircraft attacking it from the air, which were easy prey once they came closer to the surface. The moment the Poseidon entered the Trench it was over. Four Daikyu Class Attack Submarines were sitting silent and waiting for the Poseidon to come into the trench pursuing their flagship. Using passive sonar, they launched two full volleys of heavy long range torpedoes into the rudders and water turbine exhaust ports which utterly destroyed the vessel's propulsion system. Unable to maneuver, unable to run, the Poseidon surfaced and it's crew began to abandon ship. Moments later it's scuttling charges went off and the vessel sank deep into the Galapagos Trench. The survivors were treated fairly once brought aboard the surface decks of the Daikyu and were transported to the nearest island along with food and water to last them for several days. Meanwhile the Typhoon and her escorts remained offshore for two days awaiting the arrival of several Kujira Seaplanes to carry them to El Paso, where they were handed over to the CS Embassy. All members of the crew of the Typhoon and her escorts received the Battle of Galapagos Trench pin, while several members of the crew received decorations for their actions during the course of the lengthy battle.
Wounded Combatant Medal: This ribbon is issued any time the trooper receives an injury sustained as a direct or indirect result of enemy action. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to this ribbon, with devices added to indicate repeat awardings.
Deployment Readiness Unit Merit: This ribbon is issued to units that have, during exercises, proven to be ready to deploy for combat at a moments notice. Time allowed/required to receive this ribbon varies per unit size and operational capabilities of said unit.
Soldierly Conduct Medal: This ribbon is issued to troops who have displayed themselves to be well behaved, follow orders well, and take initiative to get required jobs done faster, efficiently, and without complication.
Short-Term Foreign Deployment Merit: This ribbon is issued to troops who have been assigned or ordered to operate in or over foreign soil or sea for a month or less. This ribbon is also issued to troops who are assigned to consulate/embassy defense in foreign lands.
Long-Term Foreign Deployment Merit: This ribbon is issued to troops who have been assigned or ordered to operate in or over foreign soil or sea for any period exceeding one month's time. It was most frequently assigned to members of the Tamiya Elite, before they were disbanded, New Haven Naval personnel and consulate/embassy defense assigned troops.
Republic Valorous Service Medal: This ribbon represents the highest award of the Republic of New Haven. Capable only of being issued via a successful Republican Council vote, it is very similar to the US Military's Congressional Medal of Honor. It is issued to troops who have performed some act of self-sacrifice in the name of his unit, country, or people, troops who have held a post against overwhelming odds, etc. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to this ribbon.
Outstanding Service Medal: This ribbon represents the second highest award of the Republic of New Haven. It is issued in similar circumstances to the Valorous Service Merit, but in instances that do not merit the involvement of the Republican Council. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to this ribbon.
Exemplary Service Medal: This ribbon represents the third highest award of the Republic of New Haven. It is issued to troops who have served as an example to fellow troops or who have rallied troops towards achieving a seeming insurmountable goal. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to this ribbon.
Exemplary Service Unit Medal: Same as the Exemplary Service Merit, but is issued instead to an entire unit for when an entire unit, be it squad, platoon, or company, rallies and drives all other units in the region to continue forward towards the goal. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to this ribbon.
Republic Noble Conduct Medal: This ribbon is issued to troops who have gone out of their way to see that captured/surrendering enemy combatants and non-citizen civilians are not harmed during the course of military action. This includes incidents where fire missions are called off when innocents are seen in the direct line of fire of the strike, when hostages are taken and safely rescued, etc. A corresponding medal and/or awards may also be issued for extreme displays of Noble Conduct. While not considered to be among the top three awards in New Haven, receipt is considered extremely prestigious in the eyes of not only the military but among the civilian citizens of the Republic.
Republic Noble Conduct Unit Medal: Same as the Republic Noble Conduct Medal, but is issued instead to an entire unit for when an entire unit, be it squad, platoon, or company does something out of the ordinary to preserve the lives of captured/surrendering enemy combatants and non-citizen civilians.
Commanding Officer's Commendation Medal: This ribbon is the lowest of the complimentary awards that can be received by a member of New Haven's military. It is issued by commanding officers of Major or Captain or higher rank to troops who have performed with extraordinary ability to obtain some objective. It is the most frequently issued merit of all of the complimentary merits. A corresponding medal is issued in addition to these ribbons.
Tachi Skill Proficiency Merit: This merit is granted once the trooper has obtained sufficient experience in the use of the Tachi to be considered proficient - i.e. Level 3.
Tachi Skill Mastery: While technically a merit, it is actually more akin to a title, as a master in the use of the Tachi - i.e. Level 11.
Energy Pistol Marksmanship Merit: This merit is granted once the trooper has obtained sufficient experience in the use of Energy Pistols to be considered proficient - i.e. Level 3.
Energy Rifle Marksmanship Merit: This merit is granted once the trooper has obtained sufficient experience in the use of Energy Rifles to be considered proficient - i.e. Level 3.
Energy Pistol Sharpshooter Merit: This merit implies that the one granted this merit has trained extensively in the use of an Energy Pistol and as a result has developed superior to average accuracy and initiative in the use of such weaponry.
Energy Rifle Sharpshooter Merit: This merit implies that the one granted this merit has trained either as a Sniper or has trained extensively in the use of an Energy Rifle and as a result has developed superior to average accuracy and initiative in the use of such weaponry.
5, 10, 20, and 30 Year Loyal Servitude to the Republic Medals: Medals and pins issued to a troop after said number of years of service in the Republic's military. Described in further detail under medals.
Medals are issued for a variety of reasons in New Haven, each having it's own separate criteria for receipt.

Wounded Combatant Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, and a brass disk with a red lacquered cross on it's surface. On the back an inscription reads; "I gave of my flesh and my blood for the people of the Republic."
Sharpshooter Medal: The two varieties of this medal include a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbons, described above, and a brass disk with a silver engraved cross-hairs, with a black lacquered pistol or rifle over top. On the back an inscription reads; "This medal issued to xxx xxxx for completion of sharpshooter training with the energy rifle/pistol."
Soldierly Conduct Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, and a brass medal shaped like the Infantryman Collar Insignia displaying a crossed sword and rifle.
Valorous Service Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, and a gold medal composed of six golden chevrons with a giant carved garnet bullhead with inset gold eyes set into it's center. On the back an inscription reads; "This, the highest award of the Republic of New Haven, is bestowed upon xxx xxxx, for their valor and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds."
Outstanding Service Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, with a silver bullhead shaped medal, with black lacquered eyes, suspended below. The unit variety of this medal is identical, only the ribbon is different.
Republican Council Noble Conduct Medal: This medal includes a ribbon, corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, with a silver medal shaped like two crossed swords with black lacquered details added to it. The unit variety of this medal is identical, only the ribbon is different.
Commendation Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, with a brass bullhead shaped medal, with black lacquered eyes, suspended below.
Repeated Awardings Devices: These are brass pins that can be affixed to the ribbon of any medal to indicate repeated awardings. Centered on the devices is an embossed bullhead. In the first repeat awarding, the bullhead is brass, second is silver, and third is gold.
Longevity of Service Medal: This medal includes a ribbon corresponding to the merit ribbon, described above, and a gold medal shaped like the Infantryman Collar Insignia displaying a crossed sword and rifle. When the 10 year merit is issued a pin, similar to the repeated awardings devices, is issued that has a brass bullhead embossed upon it with a lacquered 'ribbon' corresponding to the 10 year longevity of service marking on it. Additionally a small gold chain with a small brass bullhead medal is added to suspend below the original medal. When the 25 year merit is issued a pin, similar to the one described above, is issued that has a gold bullhead embossed upon it with a lacquered 'ribbon' corresponding to the 25 year longevity of service marking on it. Additionally the brass bullhead medal suspended by the small gold chain is replaced with a gold bullhead medal.
Baptism of Fire Pendant Merit: This is a brass bullhead medal with black lacquered features suspended by brass tackle from a red ribbon with gold stripes that is worn around the neck. It is awarded to any trooper who directly engages in combat with a designated enemy combatant.
Tanto of the Republic: This is an additional award issued in conjunction with the Republican Council Noble Conduct Medal, but is issued to troops who have directly saved 10-99 captured/surrendering enemy combatants or non-citizen civilians. It is a hand forged blade, using traditional Japanese metal smithing techniques, with gold plated hand guard, fittings and pommel. The grip is composed of tightly wound silk over a grip that is laquered in emerald green. The pommel is further enhanced with a garnet bullhead set into it's end. Etched into it's blade is a bullhead with the words "Wa-Daisho" in Japanese. (It IS a magical blade, has 300 M.D.C., and inflicts 2D6 M.D.) Only 28 of these have been issued to troops so far, of those 3/4 were to members of the Tamiya Elite.
Daisho of the Republic: This is an additional award issued in conjunction with the Republican Council Noble Conduct Medal, but is issued to troops who have directly saved 100 or more captured/surrendering enemy combatants or non-citizen civilians. The blades are made after the same fashion as the Tanto of the Republic, but in many ways is far more prestigious and is often viewed as an equal award to the Valorous Service Medal. (These ARE magical blades, with 500 and 750 M.D.C., and inflict 4D6 and 6D6 M.D. respectively.) Only 8 of these Daisho sets have been issued to troops so far, of those 7 were issued to members of the Tamiya Elite.
Unit Strength: Listed in Army, Navy/Marine, & Air Force Terminology.
Squad/Squadron/Detail: Typically composed of 8 troops, commanded by a Squad Leader.
Platoon/Flotilla/Section: Typically composed of 24 troops, commanded by a Lieutenant.
Company/Detachment/Squadron: Typically composed of 72 troops, commanded by a Captain or Major.
Battalion/Battle Group/Group: Typically composed of 216 troops, commanded by a Vice Admiral or Vice General.
Regiment/Task Force/Wing: Typically composed of 648 troops, commanded by an Admiral or General.
Division/Fleet/Air Corps: Typically composed of 1,944 troops, commanded by a Supreme Admiral or Supreme General.
Note: During special assignments a high ranking officer MAY be assigned a smaller unit to command, however, lower ranking officers will never be given a larger unit than their rank permits them to command.
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