The Harvey, or as it is called in Wa-Daisho, the Gauntlet, is actually a reproduction of a pre-cataclysm Main Battle Tank that went into production barely a year before the coming the RIFTS. At the time of it's designing, in a Salt Lake City research and development laboratory, it was designated the XM11A2, but was not yet named. When Salt Lake City was destroyed by Mexican ICBMs the research that went into the XM11A2 were thought to have been destroyed. It would take nearly ten years before a Missouri based company would be able to redesign the XM11A2, and rush it into production form - the M11A2. By the time the RIFTS erupted only 50 of these new MBTs had been completed. These were believed to have been deployed in Mexico, accompanying much larger units of M11A1s, the MBT which had been in service with the US Army for nearly 20 years. The M11A1s however, shockingly enough were almost identical to the Iron Heart Industries Iron Hammer MBT! These M11A1s are relatively common finds in military caches in Mexico, and can be found periodically in US Military Motor Pools everywhere. For stats call it identical to the Iron Hammer MBT in the RIFTS Mercenaries book on pages 107-109, with no forward gatling gun, and no mini-missile launchers. It will however also have composite armor, which is resistant to kinetic attacks (takes half damage), and has the chaff dispenser as displayed on this vehicle.
Development of this design was seen to almost immediately after Ace Ripley founded S-Mart. It's production secrets and plans had indeed survived the nuclear attack on Salt Lake City but were hidden in an underground complex known as Project Archive. Seeing as how it was to be one of the most capable main battle tanks ever produced, it was an obvious choice for early production. It took engineers two full years to ready the design and machinery used to produce the M11A2 - but it was worth every moment. When the first of the S-Mart Harveys rolled off of the production line, everyone sought them out for their own military units. Many were heartbroken to find that S-Mart was only permitted, by King Ripley, to sell a small number of them off to independent buyers every year. However, special political arrangements could be made to sell large numbers of them to Allied Nations. Their first, and largest buyer was of course Desert Star's own N.O.M.A.D. Military who have purchased 120 of these vehicles over the years. In 114PA King Ripley agreed to sell 70 more of these magnificent vehicles to Wa-Daisho's Armored Units, and an additional 85 to the Imperial Kyatashiro Armored Corps. In 115PA & 116PA 10 additional Harveys were donated to the Allied Naval Fleet of the time, for use aboard the Dalmir class submersible carriers as mobil gun batteries on the deck. Finally, from 114PA to 118PA an additional 65 Harvey's had been sold to independent buyers, and notable mercenary companies as well.
The service of the Harvey, although good for at least 20 years with regular maintenance, will be relatively short with the major players which have purchased this vehicle type. As of September, 116PA the Harvey was already being gradually phased out of service in the N.O.M.A.D. Military in favor of the new S-Mart Stonewall Hover Tank. These vehicles, as they are phased out will mostly be used in the defense of outlying communities in the territory claimed by Desert Star, with a portion possibly as large as 40% being lend-leased to Tolkeen. Wa-Daisho's use of the Harvey was only slightly longer lived. With the events transpiring in Tolkeen, Wa-Daisho rushed to update it's own military, to provide the ability to assist it's allies if necessary. This rush to update eventually led to the new Masakari design. Of those sold to Wa-Daisho, by February 2, 118PA all had been phased out of active service and 46 of which had been lend-leased to Tolkeen. The remaining 22 will be retained for island defense, and training. Those sold to Kyatashiro are likely to remain in strong service for another ten to fifteen years, or until enough are destroyed in combat to require a new type. Many of the independently purchased Harveys are already fighting for the side of Tolkeen.
Model Type: M11A2 & Harvey-A.
Class: Main Battle Tank.
Crew: 3; a pilot, a gunner, and the tank commander.
M.D.C. by Location: (See the note below.)
Medium Range Missile Pod - 120.
R.F.F.C. Turret - 75.
Main Turret - 450.
200 mm Cannon - 200.
*Tracks (2) - 150 each.
**Main Body - 945.
Reinforced Pilots Compartment - 250.
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the tread means that 1D4 of the plates have been blown apart. An experienced, competent crew can repair this damage in 1D6x10 minutes under no fire. (If under fire, the crew will feel stressed and acquire a -20% to his/her mechanical engineer roll or Pilot Tanks/APCs.) Due to the treads shielded position it can only be struck at a penalty of -3.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means that the tanks hull is in tatters, and subsequent shells/rounds have a 01-20% chance of striking the ammo-magazine detonating all remaining rounds. 21-75% will strike the Reinforced Pilots Compartment, and 76-00% simply punches holes in the already "shattered hull".
Note: The Harvey is armored with a Pre-RIFTS composite of Mega-Damage materials sandwiched together using an ultra tough polymer bonding agent. This Composite Armor was designed to protect against heavy hitting kinetic attacks such as rail guns, armor piercing explosives, ramjets, etc. Thus these weapons all do HALF DAMAGE!
Maximum Speed: 60 mph.
Maximum Underwater Speed: 20 mph.
Maximum Depth Tolerance: 2,000'.
Maximum Effective Range: Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12'.
Width: 20'.
Length: 30'.
Weight: 60 tons.
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 20 years.
Market Cost: S-Mart Rarely sells this valuable piece of military hardware to anyone but allied nations, and even then the price is a stiff 48.2 million credits!
Weapon Systems
1. 200 mm Cannon: This is the Harvey's main gun, notorious for it's ability to smash even light power armor, and lightly armored vehicles in single hits. It is mounted in a stabilized turret, meaning regardless of the terrain, or maneuvers made, the cannon remains directed at it's intended target. Another of this weapons traits is it's versatility allowing use of any number of different types of 200 mm shells. (S-Mart currently only makes 3 types of shells; High Explosive, High Explosive Anti-Tank, and Sabot Discarding Solids.) This weapon is operated by the Gunner.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Fortification
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per H.E.A.T. round (High Explosive Anti Tank round) or 2D6x10 M.D. per A.P.S.D. round. (Armor Piercing Sabot Discarding Solids.)
Blast Radius: 12' for the H.E.A.T. rounds, and point of impact for the A.P.S.D. round.
Rate of Fire: Five shots per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 18,000'.
Payload: 100 rounds are carried. 50 of each type.
Bonus: +2 to strike targets in motion due to weapon stabilization.
Reload Cost: Costs for reload shells are as follows; 1,200 per HE shell, 4,000 per HEAT shell, and 1,000 per APSD shell.
2. RFFC-16 Rapid Fire Field Cannon: This is the Harvey's secondary gun, a second barrel situated just to the left of the main weapon. It, like the main cannon is mounted in the stabilized turret, granting it the same benefits as mentioned above. Unlike the main weapon's more mundane systems, the RFFC-16 uses the same type of electromagnetic system to propel it's shells at high speeds as a rail gun uses to propel it's slugs at such incredible speeds. This weapon is too operated by the gunner.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
Blast Radius: 2'.
Rate of Fire: Dual shell bursts only.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000'.
Payload: A 100 round drum supplies this cannon with 50 dual shell bursts.
Reload Cost: Each shell costs 400 credits to replace.
3. RFFC-17 Rapid Fire Field Cannon: This much lighter RFFC is mounted in a small remote control turret atop the main turret. The purpose for this weapon is to defend the Harvey against close, fast moving targets. It is typically operated by the Tank Commander.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 M.D. per dual shells fired.
Blast Radius: 2'.
Rate of Fire: Dual shells only.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000'.
Payload: A 100 round drum supplies this cannon with 50 dual shell bursts.
Reload Cost: Each shell costs 400 credits to replace.
4. Medium Range Missile Pod: This pod is mounted on the left side of the turret. It's six missile payload is typically used to disable or destroy aircraft, or other armored vehicles. In times of old, this weapon would have been outfitted with an archaic missile type such as an 'advanced Hellfire', but S-Mart engineers have worked this out of their version of the design, for the sake of commonality in ordinance.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Blast Radius: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4, or 6 missiles at a time.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
Payload: 6 missiles are carried inside of the launcher. No spares are carried on board.
Reload Cost: Varies with missile type, See pg 56 of RIFTS Sourcebook 1.
5. 12.7 mm Ramjet Machine Gun: This weapon is mounted on an articulated mount on the front hull. It is designed to protect the tank from, and to eliminate, unarmored or lightly armored troops. It is operated by the pilot, and only has a 120 degree range of fire to the fore of the tank, and only a 45 degree upward and downward angle.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. for a burst of 15 rounds, or 1D4MD per single shell.
Rate of Fire: Standard; Aimed, Burst, Wild.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,200'
Payload: 600 ramjet shells; or 40 bursts.
Reload Cost: 10 credits per round, depending on where it is being purchased. If purchased in Desert Star, figure on minimum price.
6. Active Explosive Anti-Missile System: This system was devised in the late 20th century as a means to stem the growing threat of Anti-Tank missiles. What it is, is several explosive charges placed at various points & angles around the Harvey that detonate when the radar picks up a "slow" moving object approaching the tank, hopefully destroying or at least diverting it, which it does at an impressive 90% efficiency. (It can be used against multiple missiles without penalty.) Note: Destroys/Diverts it's target from 75' out.
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D.
Payload: Special! Starts at 75% efficiency, for every 4 blasts fired, reduce this percentage by 10%.
Reload Costs: It Costs 375 credits to replace each charge fired.
7. Active Gatling Anti-Missile System: Another system devised in the late 20th century, but brought to this form in the early 21st century, to defend against the new mini nukes and proton torpedoes, coming onto the battlefield. What it does is protect the Harvey from "slow" moving projectiles by releasing a hail of ramjet rounds at 300'. Like the AEAMS, this system is radar guided, and has a 90% kill rate, however for every additional missile the percentage drops by 10%. The AGAMS is mounted in the mini turret normally operated by the Tank Commander, if he is operating it at the time the AGAMS WILL override his commands so as to defend the Harvey.
Mega-Damage: On a successful hit each missile will receive 1D4x10 M.D. per 100' of travel (from the AGAMS range of 300').
Payload: 10,000' worth (ie 4 mini missiles=400' since they are destroyed in the first 100' of their travel, 2 LRMs=400' if they are destroyed in the end of their second hundred feet, of their 300' course, etc.)
Reload Costs: Reloads cost 200 credits per 100' of ammo.
8. Additional Systems of Note: This vehicle incorporates all the usual environmental features found in robot vehicles including environmental protection, environmental control, air filtration, an independant 12 hour supply of air, heat and radiation shielding.
1. Telescopic Optics: These are exactly as they sound, telescopic optics that enhance the image of far away objects. At a range of 6,000' an object appears only 100' away, as an example. The range of this system is 6,000' effectively - but it can enhance the image of objects further away yet still, they just are not quite so well detailed.
2. Thermal Imaging Optics: This is very similar to Infrared Optics in the sense that it detects heat, but unlike the imprecise nature of infrared optics, this measures the heat signature precisely displaying them in colorful shades of reds, yellows, greens and blues with various degrees of heat. The thermal imaging optics are also far more sensitive than the infrared optics, actually allowing them to see heat through walls of structures at certain distances. The range of this system is 2,000', but it can only see heat through an obstacle such as a brick wall from 100'.
3. Military Radio & Scrambler: This is the same radio equipment, bolt for bolt, microchip for microchip, as the system found on the USA-G10 Glitterboy. The broadcast range is a modest 50 miles. By resetting the radio transmitter inside the vehicle to an elevated position, however, the same transmitter can achieve a fairly consistent 500 mile range using atmospheric bounce. Atmospheric anomalys can extend this range still further or can completely disable the radio system within a set radius, it just depends on the circumstances. The scrambler system allows the radio signals to be scrambled to all those not equipped with the correct scrambling codes.
4. I.F.F. Transponder System: This system transmits data such as alpha-numeric designation code, course, mission, base of operations, and unit, via radio signal, to other similarly equipped military stations, vehicles, and power armor suits that have been programmed with the correct access codes. This allows a friendly N.O.M.A.D. soldier in an S-Mart Assassin, overflying an armored collumn, to quickly determine who these individuals are. This also allows field commanders to keep far better track of their military assets. A further feature of this system is that it functions well as a distress beacon. A note towards the safety of I.F.F. - is that the codes are very difficult to break. Since the N.O.M.A.D. Military periodically changes their I.F.F. safety codes - attempts to crack the codes that have taken weeks of supercomputer analysis - are for naught. Those Harveys that are sold DO include this system but it is programmed as a civilian system, readily read by N.O.M.A.D. Military programmed I.F.F. transponders.
5. Laser Communication System: This is a specialized laser and receiver that transmits and receives data to another laser communications device, whether power armor or otherwise mounted. It is exclusively a line of sight communications method. Range is approximately 6,000'.
6. Radar & Visual Rangefinders: This is a combination of a special form of radar and a complex targeting sight that aids gunners in ranged combat, providing a bonus of +2 to strike at all ranges exceeding 1,000'.
7. Military Radar & Tracking Computer: This is a powerful radar transmitter and receiver system set in a small radome on top of the turret, that can rotate three hundred and sixty degrees or focus on a solitary location, for a maximum range of 50 miles. Ground clutter is filtered by the advanced tracking computer linked to the radar system, allowing it to track even ground vehicles with little impediment. The only thing that will shorten the range of the radar is if the landscape itself somehow obscures targets within it's range. The tracking computer linked to this radar set can identify and track up to a 100 separate targets both in the air and on the ground.
8. Inertial Navigation Computer: This system assists the vehicle in navigation through the use of three ring laser gyros by indicating exactly how far, in what direction, at what altitude, and at what speed the vehicle has traveled - down to an accuracy of 1/1000 of a mile. If available, coupled with a map of the region loaded into this nav comp, this system becomes nearly fail safe - provided that the crew using the system can read a map. This provides crews with a Navigation skill a +20% to all skill rolls. Every few hundred thousand miles of travel this system requires recalibration, which is easily done by a push of a button inside of the vehicle. S-Mart has maps available of the entire surrounding region (250 mile radius) of each Desert Star, Wa-Daisho, Lazlo, the Coalition States, Northern Gun/Manistique Imperium, and the Colorado Baronies available at a cost of 200 credits per programming package.
9. Laser Detector: This system is composed of a handful of sensitive light sensors spread out over the surface of the vehicle, specifically calibrated to detect the light from a laser beam. It's purpose is to detect any and all laser targeting systems currently trained on the vehicle. This system may be set only to emit a high pitched bell sound or it may be set to automatically activate the Anti-Laser Aerosol System.
10. Military Radar Detector: This system detects radar waves as they pass over the vehicle, indicating to the crew that they have been picked up on radar. It is at least a fairly sensitive system though, that can tell the difference between a low power radar system like those found on most power armor that cannot see through ground clutter, and a true military grade radar that can. The only failing of this system is that if the vehicle is ever attacked by a microwave type weapon it will fry this sensor automatically.
11. Painting Laser: This specialized targeting device is used to aid laser guided munitions into their target. This can be handily used with laser guided medium range missiles, carried by the Harvey, or to aid air dropped laser guided munitions by guiding them into the target. In either case this provides the laser guided munitions with a +3 to strike.
12. Damage Control Computer: This is a specialized computer that records all damage inflicted to the vehicle, and reports it to the tank commander. This computer will also reroute electronics to alternate circuits in the event that a significant hit knocks out some piece of vital electronics.
13. Smoke Dispensers: The Harvey carries six separate smoke dispensers, each of which contain five dense capsules that when ignited release a forty foot by forty foot cloud of dense infrared and laser resistant smoke. This can be handy for concealing the Harvey from attackers, providing them with a penalty of -3 to strike, or it may be handy also for creating a smoke screen for troops moving beyond where the Harvey is located - obscuring their location so that the enemy in question cannot see them. Each capsule costs 30 credits to replace.
14. Chaff & Flare Dispensers: Mounted in the side of the Harvey's turret is this dispenser that is designed to spoof radar, radar guided munitions and missiles, thermal imaging optics, nightvision optics, and infrared optics. As modern missile types are both optic & radar guided, these dispensers work in tandem to release a white hot flare and a shower of metallic bits simultaniously. The optics guideance is knocked out 90% of the time, but the radar guideance is only fooled 70% of the time. Payload for both types of dispensers is 20, and reloading costs 50 credits per bundle.
15. Anti-Laser Aerosol Unit: This is a small vent that releases a blast of a grayish glittering cloud of highly reflective metal fragments at a high rate of speed, to protect the Harvey from laser targeting devices, as well as laser weapons! The cloud only lasts for about 1D4 melees, a single melee in high winds, or a single round of attacks if the Harvey is in motion. The aerosol cannister has a payload of 30 gas blasts, and they cost 15 credits to replace.
9. Physical Attacks: Like any vehicle, it in itself can be a very efficient weapon;
Ramming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings More Than 2 tons: 4D6 M.D. per 10 mph.
Ramming Vehicles/Creatures/Buildings Less Than 2 tons: 2D6 M.D. per 10 mph, and typically will run it over inflicting an additional 2D4x10 M.D. from it's weight alone!
The image above is reprinted, with permission, from R. Talsorian Games Inc. Cyberpunk 2020®'s Sourcebook Maximum Metal. In the sourcebook it is seen as the U.S. M-11 Main Battle Tank. All rights remain reserved by R. Talsorian Games Inc., and SirTenzan's RIFTS Gallery acknowledges and respects these rights. This image is reprinted as a means of creating a wonderful new vehicle for RIFTS, using the spectacular artistry of R. Talsorian Games Inc. illustrators.