Smithe Corporation Type 92 Kabuto Armored Car

The Kabuto (Helmet in Japanese) was designed initially in 90-91PA as the SC-PMC44 All-Terrain Scout Vehicle to market in the Central Powers Region, specifically with Kingsdale, Merctown, El Paso, Los Alamos and Ciudad Juarez in mind as the primary places to pitch the sale of this new product.
When the initial prototypes were about to be shipped out by way of Iron Horse, a Vice General spotted them being loaded aboard a flatbed train car just as he was about to leave the station. During the loading process he took some time to look over the vehicle and asked a few questions of the Smithe Corp. executives that would be traveling westward with the prototype samples and then went on his way.
He continued to think of this armored car design, when it struck him that they could be useful for New Haven's Army as light to medium artillery tractors, officer cars, patrol vehicles and supply line defense vehicles. Thus he passed word along about the new Smithe Corp. Armored Car, and the ideas it inspired, through the chain of command.
While the Smithe Corp. Type 89 Hanzaki ATV was a useful utility ATV and had entered New Haven's Military in significant numbers, it lacked the appropriate power to serve as an artillery tractor, armor to survive a firefight, nor did it possess any integral weapon systems. Thus, Smithe Corporation was asked to outfit their SC-PMC44 All-Terrain Scout Vehicle's turret with a pair of Type 78 UV Spectrum Pulse Lasers and to put on a demonstration of the type's capabilities.
The type was faster than expected, and while it was not terribly sophisticated, it was simple and rugged enough to do the type of work initially envisioned when the idea was pitched to adopt the type into New Haven's Military.
Due to the Republic's laws regarding national defense taking precedence over export for profit, New Haven's initial orders needed to be filled before any foreign orders could be fulfilled - which was one point of contention among Smithe Corporation's executives. Nonetheless, in early Spring of 92PA the type was introduced to the Republic of New Haven's Army as the Smithe Corp. Type 92 Kabuto Armored Car.
As a result of the type's original design function to adapt any number of types of laser rifles for the turret, when the type was rearmed with Type 95 UV Spectrum Pulse Lases in 96PA the Kabuto continued to be referred to simply as the Type 92.
Model Type: Export Model: SC-PMC44; Republic of New Haven Army Model: Type 92.
Class: All-Terrain Vehicle/Armored Car.
Crew: 2; Driver & Gunner.
Passengers: Up to 3.
M.D.C. by Location:
Wheels (5; Including 1 Spare) - 35 each.
*Windshield - 25; 50 with the armored shroud lowered.
*Rear Window - 20; 45 with the armored shroud lowered.
*Side Windows (4) - 15 each; 35 with the armored shields raised.
Forward Trunk Hatch - 50.
Rear Mounted Engine Hood - 45.
Reinforced Forward & Rear Bumpers - 75 each.
Trailer Hitch Assembly - 30.
Turret - 50.
Pulse Lasers (2) - 20 each.
**Main Body - 250.
* Striking the windows/inhabitants of the vehicle is exceptionally difficult with the armored shrouds in place, providing a penalty of -5 to strike if immobile at ranges; -8 to strike if the vehicle is in motion.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shuts the vehicle down completely, rendering it useless.
Note: The bottom and wheel wells of the Kabuto are armored and the wheel base is raised higher than most vehicles, as a result running over land mines will result in full damage to the wheel, suspension, and axle assembly - but the main body will only suffer blast radius effect of 1/2 damage.
Maximum Speed: 120 mph, fully manned with approximately 50 Lb. of equipment per individual, while on reasonably even terrain. 40 mph when traveling off-road on uneven terrain. Reduce the speed to 98/32 mph if carrying a full 900 Lb. of cargo.
Maximum Speed Towing Cargo: 98/32 mph for 1,020 Lb. cargo, 72/24 mph for 2,040 Lb. cargo and 48/10 mph for 3,060 Lb. cargo. (Note that the first number is on even terrain while the second is for uneven terrain.
Maximum Range: 400 miles.
Statistical Data:
Length: 24 feet, 4 inches.
Width: 12 feet, 4 inches.
Height: 12 feet, 10 inches. (Not including the whip antennae.)
Weight: 10,224 Lb.
Cargo: 900 Lb. in addition to 50 Lb. equipment for each member of a 5 person crew, a shovel, a tire iron and a spare tire - or via towed trailers as described above under speed.
Power System: Electric.
Market Cost: The SC Type 92 Kabuto Armored Car with its RI Type 95 UV Spectrum Pulse Laser Rifles is not available on the market, but as of 102PA the SC-PMC44 All-Terrain Scout Vehicle was released on the market in Kingsdale, El Paso and Merctown at a cost of 650,000 credits or 700,000 credits with L-20 Pulse Laser Rifles pre-installed and calibrated in the turret.
Weapon Systems
1. Twin Pulse Laser Turret: The solitary armament carried by the SC Type 92 Kabuto Armored Car and the SC-PMC44 All-Terrain Scout Vehicle is a periscope operated electric turret mounted on the roof of the vehicle from the middle seat in the back. Its weapon sight is a panoramic camera with a visual range finder and a passive infrared sensor function. The SC Type 92 Kabuto Armored Car was equipped with the RI Type 78 UV Spectrum Pulse Lasers until 96PA, when all of those in the Republic's service were refitted with RI Type 95 UV Spectrum Pulse Lasers with the sniper rifle barrel attachment for enhanced range capabilities. The SC-PMC44 All-Terrain Scout Vehicle can mount virtually any infantry laser rifle, including pulse laser rifles. The most common options are the L-20 Pulse Laser Rifle and the Wilk's 457.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: Varies with the weapons installed in the turret.
Rate of Fire: Varies with the weapons installed in the turret.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with the weapons installed in the turret.
Payload: Varies with the weapons installed in the turret; However the turret comes standard with slots lining the base of the turret occupied by 20 standard energy clips - included in the cost of the vehicle.
Features of Note: Visual Rangefinder provides a +1 to strike; Infrared Optics has a range of 4,000 feet.
2. Systems of Note: The SC-PMC44/SC Type 92 Kabuto provide complete environmental protection from dust, gas, biological agents, heat and radiation while providing a comfortable temperature within the vehicle. Additional systems include;
1. L & N Electronics Type 89 Long Range Radio & Modulating Scrambler Unit: 50 mile (80 km) broadcast range and a 500 mile (800 km) range when utilizing the skywave directional transmission function.
2. L & N Electronics Type 84 Inertial Navigation System: This basic inertial navigation system records the vehicle's course, speed, and directional changes. While it provides a +10% to Navigation Skill Rolls, it is not as advanced as later models that record this data against topographical maps.
3. Crash Control System & Restraints: The entire crew is protected via three point restraints while in their seats, meanwhile the gunner has additional restraints for when standing to access the periscope operated electric turret. (Occupants take 1/3 damage from collisions thanks to this system.)
4. Active Suspension & All Wheel Drive Systems: This system compensates for uneven terrain, loose soil, gravel and mud in conjunction with basic speed calculations to provide a safe and as smooth of a ride as possible, providing the driver with a bonus of +5% to Pilot: Automobile.
5. L & N Electronics Type 89 Multi-Optics Helmet: Standard equipment for the driver of the vehicle includes a multi-optics helmet with a full range of optics to remain alert at all times of day for any potential obstacles or threats.
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