Republican Shipyards Type 84 No-Dachi Class Corvette

Republican Shipyards Type 84/98 No-Dachi Class Corvette Image
Republican Shipyards Type 84/8 No-Dachi Class Corvette Image
While the budding new nation had managed to procure thirty-two Blue Sea Corp. Type 78 Kaca·yak High-Speed Patrol Boats (These are small catamaran style armed speedboats, nearly identical to the Iron Heart Armaments Black Eel Torpedo Boat produced in the modern city of Water Point.) and three domestically produced lightly armed cargo ships, locals had spoken of large warships lurking beyond the fog that enshrouds the Misty Isles that would indiscriminately attack vessels encountered anywhere near the perpetual fog bank. Thus Tamiya Nyan concluded that their new nation would require the services of heavier patrol vessels capable of sustaining heavy damage as well as dealing it to an adversary. Having fought at sea before, when he was still in the service of the Empire of Japan, he understood post-apocalyptic naval warfare on a fundamental basis. His time in North America taught him that technology could take practical knowledge and build wondrous creations to effectively use it.
While he had seen few modern warships from more than a distance, those belonging to the Republic of Japan, he had seen many technological war machines throughout North America. Thus he conferred with the private shipyards at the southern tip of the main island among the Misty Isles and learned of their principles of construction being not so far removed from the vessels he had fought from and against in the service of the Empire, only these were made up of man made metals and weaponry that made most mystical armoring and armaments pale by comparison. Furthermore, already understanding the principles of radio, radar, optics, a basic understanding of sonar and computerized systems gave modern war machines eyes, ears, voices and knowledge that surpassed that of mere men when applied by capable soldiers. Additionally he now understood the differing values and concepts of war from those he learned in his youth in which one would loudly pronounce one's name before an unknown adversary. In a situation where one is given the duty and task to defend land or people, learning the identity, capabilities and intentions of an unknown was an absolute necessity before any sort of engagement. Thus the ideology of stealth, information gathering and strategy were equally familiar to Tamiya Nyan and as a result he saw the limitations to the known constructs capable of being produced using the pre-existing knowledges and technology of the Misty Isles.
Through travel to Lazlo, Old Bones and the Kingdom of Desert Star to discuss modern warship technology with previously existing consultants and allies Tamiya Nyan learned of various methods to produce a superior heavy patrol vessel from its contemporaries. By the time the research was completed in 80PA he had resolved to sieze the Tla'klok Shipyards as an asset to the sovereign defense of the Misty Isles and quickly implemented new capabilities to the manufacture of superior vessels via the acquisitons of new tooling, foreign consultants and a contract for the import/domestic production of high specification equipment for the Misty Isles which was completed by July of 82PA.
On August 12th, 83PA the keels were laid down for the first two capital class combat vessels to be produced in the Misty Isles utilizing 20th Century lessons in naval vessel construction, the technology of the Golden Age and the experience of the state-owned Shipyards to begin production of the No-Dachi Class Corvette. Unlike contemporary types produced by the "Central Powers Region", the No-Dachi Class utilizes a rigid frame of Canadium Superalloy, a double layer of geodetic framework on the outer and inner edges of the exterior skeletal structure, also made up of Canadium. The unique design principle was that it possesses a double hull, deck planking and bulkhead construction of a Golden Age developed composite called Cyaerotite. The interior hull, bulkheads and decks, made up of Cyaerotite, were bonded together with a thin layer of Canadium to prevent spalling of the Cyaerotite ceramic composite, potentially injuring crew members. The exterior hull was to be made up of a variant of Cyaerotite devised during the Golden Age for the construction of spacecraft, called Astro-Cyaerotite that incorporated layers of carbon boride and indium into the graphite/carbon-nanofiber layers which created shielding against nuclear radiation, electro-magnetic pulse and microwaves. Along the waterline, a feature adapted from the mid-20th century was a "belt" of additional armor to protect against torpedo attacks. Further features were incorporated for flood controlling in the case of hull breaches in that passageways lined the walls of the inner hull that could be sealed either locally or via bridge control. As a final touch a layer of a rubbery Polyimide, identical to the material flexible portions of some types of body armor, such as "Plastic Man", were bonded to the external surfaces of the vessel.
The decision to use Cyaerotite Composite was a strategic measure. It improved stealth, speed and cost of repair. It also would spread damage over larger areas rather than remaining locally dependant upon the strength of mega-damage alloys. As armor it was effective in protecting against high energy impact, thwarted all forms of Armor Piercing weaponry so that it would detonate on surface layers of the composite without the ability to direct its damage into the interior of the vessel. The Polyimide Compound on the exterior of all surfaces replaced paint AND reduced the radar as well as sonar return of the vessel. The drawback to the Cyaerotite Composite armor however was that moderate damage inflicted required the use of a special epoxy to be infused into the plate to restore its structural integrity - if not outright replacement. Furthermore, the Polyimide compound was succeptible to damage that could melt or tear away sections of it which was impossible to replace below the waterline while at sea. The real drawback though was its succeptibility to damage from high explosives, concussive damage, high velocity mass impact and sonic vibrational damage - most of which its contemporaries are resistant against. Damage received over time would also prove to create complications in the interior construction of the transversal bulkheads in that it would cause stress damage to their composition. Despite the drawbacks, given that the Tla'klok Shipyards previously only produced single hull vessels with flood control features it was a huge advancement as far as ship construction among the Misty Isles.
Propulsion was provided by the inclusion of a pair of two high-performance water jets that could operate between low velocity for "silent running" and high velocity that allows the No-Dachi Class to quickly close the distance between it and vessels entering the territorial waters of the Misty Isles and execute maneuvers such as "crash turns" and sudden low velocity turns as a result of the inclusion of vectoring ducts that can allow the vessel to slide its stern sideways even while underway, making it devilishly maneuverable and capable of even executing dodges at a minor penalty (-2 to dodge). The inclusion of anti-sonar concussion grenades as a defensive measure allows this class of vessel to erase its own sonar signature even in the face of active homing torpedoes.
Armaments have changed dramatically from the completion of the first two vessels of this class and their two subsequent refits in the years since, but the No-Dachi Class began with 2 Royal Armory 200 mm (7.87402 in.) Heavy Gauss Cannons in single turrets of the fore and aft decks equipped with autoloading mechanisms that can allow for up to sixteen rounds per minute to be fired, 4 Automated Royal Armory 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) Anti-Missile/Aircraft/Torpedo Gattling Rail-Guns, 2 Medium-Range Missile Launcher Turrets with a payload of six, with the capability to reload from a magazine below decks via automation, 2 Compressed Air-Launched HE Depth Charge Launchers positioned at the stern also loading from a subdeck magazine, a quartet of pop-out heavy torpedo launchers below the waterline in the bow, an amidships concussion grenade launcher turret to thwart enemy sonar as well as torpedo guidance and a retractable magnesium flash and chaff cannister launcher to thwart incoming missiles guided by infrared, electro-optical or radar guidance systems.
In terms of sensors the original Type 84 No-Dachi Class Corvette employed a radome that enclosed a High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar while relying on Short-Range Marine Rotating Radar Antennae and Radome enclosed Intermediate Range Surface Search & Fire Control Radar to keep track of surface vessels. As for sonar, the No-Dachi Class has always been well ahead of its contemporaries in the inclusion of a Sonar Imaging & Sidescan Tracking Electronic Rebound System (SISTERS) in a pronounced "dome" at the fore of its inverted bow in addition to over a hundred Aquaphone System Array, Passive (ASAP) detection panels interspaced around the hull.
On December 10th, 84PA at 0700 hours, the 5th ship of the Misty Isles' Fleet, and first of her class, was christened the Ryujin and exited West Bay for a shake down cruise that would take her West and then North to a small port town called Avery while never exiting the mists enshrouding the Misty Isles as the start of her trial run. On December 24th, 84PA the 6th vessel of the Misty Isles' Fleet, the Gunakadeit, joined its sister ship in its shake-down cruise. During one such training maneuver, on February 12th, 85PA, the Ryujin observed Haida boats entering one of the known entry points through the veil of mist. After confirming the tribal markings, garments and structural features of their boats a vessel of the No-Dachi Class engaged in combat for the first time. She employing her forward medium-range missile launcher and both of its 200 mm heavy gauss cannon turrets by turning to port; All eight boats and their crew were eliminated in less than 15 seconds.
After minor modifications, on April 21st, 85PA both vessels were deemed operational and made their first forrays beyond the mists, largely patroling the Northern and Western Coastal regions of the Misty Isles due to the heightened number of Haida Raids on remote settlements and small communities. Amidst their first fully operational 30 day patrol, on May 1st, 85PA a floatplane reported to each vessel, that the Misty Isles were henceforth to be referred to as the Republic of the Misty Isles, were given the Republic's Naval Standard and the crew members were sworn in as members of the Republic's Navy. In addition to this auspicious day, during their patrols they engaged in investigating foreign vessels within 46.6 mi. (75 km.) of the Mists surrounding the nation, watching over civilian watercraft, slaying large sea monsters and making the occasional assault on Haida Raiding Parties. Although specifically requested to assist during the June 12th, 85PA Blackshark Incident both the Ryujin and Gunakadeit were too far North and West to respond to the request.
While the Blackshark Incident did not directly relate to the No-Dachi Class Corvette it served as a major point to the Republican Council that the Republic of the Misty Isles would require more of them and other, even more capable, combat vessels in the future. Meanwhile the rapid formation of aerial patrol squadrons, deploying Republican Industries Type 84 Sakura aircraft configured for patrol and light attack, were assembled and employed in twelve hour shifts to patrol the waters surrounding the Mists of the Republic. This measure was put into place to improve reaction times to infringement on territorial waters, grant preemptive strike capabilities and to detour would-be assailants. On December 20th, 85PA the third No-Dachi Class Corvette was launched from the Republican Shipyards as the Poseidon, the 7th ship in the RMI Navy. On January 2nd, 86PA the fourth No-Dachi Class Corvette joined her sisters as the Kormath, the 8th ship in the RMI Navy. By January 14th, the Poseidon embarked on her first shake-down cruise, with her sister Kormath planned to join in late February.
Six days before the Poseidon was to return to port, February 7th, 86PA, a pair of patrol aircraft spotted a shadow of a submerged vessel skirting the Blackwater Strait on a Northbound course and confirmed the presence of a submerged vessel via aerial dropped sonar buoys. The size and shape of the shadow did not correspond with the sonar signature of the vessel but the Magnetic-Anomaly Detector drogue detected a prominent electro-magnetic signature of two to four powerful electro-magnetic turbines driving the vessel. With the Poseidon being only a few minutes from their projected path following the border of the mists, interception was a real option. The primary concern was the shape of the shadow, roughly that of an exaggeratedly thick trident, denoting a class of vessel never directly encountered by the RMI Navy but had gleaned considerable information about from freighter crews from foreign nations, as Red Trident-Class Assault Submersibles, belonging to a hostile species of aquatic D-Bees called the Naut'Yll. After consideration, the commanding officer in charge of the Poseidon, Captain Natarl Regulus gave orders for their vessel to go into silent running mode and to place itself near the path of the vessel after exiting the mists via the Pacific-Major Ley Line, North and West of their then current position. Meanwhile she corresponded with Captain Tas'sik Verlok of the Gunakadeit to approach at flank speed from the vincinity of the waters off of North Port, beyond the mists and called for the Naval Aerial Patrol Squadron at North Port to provide a sonar buoy screen and air support via air-launched short-range torpedoes near the projected interception point.
With the sonar buoys in place and monitoring the sea via passive sonar, the Poseidon silently maneuvering nearby, the eight patrol/light attack aircraft monitoring from 10,000 ft. (3,048 m.) and the Gunakadeit churning the sea at flank speed only a few miles to the North - Lt. Regulus made her move. She sounded the attention claxon, to warn the submersible that it was in sovereign territory, a universal signal to surface and be recognized, just as the sonar buoys were put into active sonar mode giving a far more clear image of the vessel below. A peaceful resolution to the situation was dismissed immediately as several of the sonar buoys were attacked by the Red Trident-Class Assault Submarine below. Lt. Regulus howled on her bridge and ordered the vessel to attack. Eight marines went over the side of the vessel in Kamiken multi-role/multi-environment powered armor and a volley of four heavy torpedoes were fired at the Red Trident using the convergent signals of the remaining sonar buoys and the reported projected course. The Naut'Yll responded by firing a volley of torpedoes of their own at the Poseidon but these were easily spoofed by the accoustic grenades fired in their path, which in turn caused them to detonate. An energy blast struck the lower port hull of the vessel then - damaging the exterior plating but not breaching the internal plating. The patrol squadron attacked with a large sequence of short-range torpedo volleys, severely damaging the submersible, while Lt. Regulus ordered the vessel to go active, fire another volley of torpedoes and then position her depth charge launchers towards their foe. Just as those four torpedoes tore into the enemy vessel a rude surprise appeared - a second Red Trident in the shadow of the other appeared above the thermal layer and attacked the Poseidon with a volley of torpedoes and another energy blast. The energy blast tore into the external plating again but failed to breach the inner hull, while the torpedoes tore into the band of armor at the side of the vessel but failed to breach the outer hull - on the starboard side of the vessel. The Poseidon executed a crash turn, while her marines were picking off Naut'Yll attempting to escape from the first Red Trident-Class that was coming apart and sinking to the bottom - powerlessly. With her keel now barely over the bow of the new Red Trident that had appeared, a volley of 10 depth charges were launched from her stern, as she quickly passed over the enemy vessel. Many of them struck but how badly it was damaged was unconfirmed - because just then four heavy torpedoes slammed into the port side of the enemy vessel; Launched from a distance by the Gunakadeit. With the Poseidon executing another crash turn and firing her accoustic grenades to break up her own sonar signature again, the patrol/light attack aircraft coming around for another attack run, marine power armor units now picking away at weapon systems on the remaining enemy vessel and the Gunakadeit only three thousand yards (2.74 km.) away, the Naut'Yll quickly turned south, and choosing to live to fight another day dove beneath the thermal layer once more. The patrol aircraft continued to track the enemy vessel via magnetic anomaly detection drogues until it was 150 miles (241.4 km.) south of the Blackwater Strait, apparently limping home on only one electro-magnetic turbine and jettisoning unnecessary equipment.
Not a single citizen's life was lost in a fairly significant encounter with arguably the most hostile aquatic species in the seas of RIFTS Earth. The Red Trident-Class Assault Submarine was declared the first capital class warship sunk by the RMI Navy and the first time a No-Dachi Class Corvette had fought against a capital class vessel. Since that encounter in 86PA, NO Naut'Yll vessels have been seen to approach the Misty Isles. Once the Haida raids and skirmishes turned to outright warfare, the class once again proved itself to be veritable fortresses at sea during the Haida Gwaii War between December 18th, 89PA and April 11th, 92PA - until the Makah managed to broker a peace accord between the severely depleted Haida people and the increasingly skilled and equipped Republic.
In all, six Republican Shipyards Type 84 Corvettes were built between 84-88PA, including the RMIN 5 Ryujin, RMIN 6 Gunakadeit, RMIN 7 Poseidon, RMIN 8 Kormath, RMIN 13 Triton and RMIN 14 Khnum. All six underwent refits between 98-99PA with the removal of the aft gun turret, aft depth charge launchers and aft medium-range missile launcher turret and magazines for each. A Vertical Launch Medium-Range Missile and Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile Launch Battery, within the forward aft quarterdeck was installed and the far aft quarterdeck was reinforced and marked to serve as a hover-chopper landing pad. Additionally the automated six-barrel rail-guns were replaced with Republican Industries 30.02 mm (1.18 in.) Rapid Fire Medium Gauss Cannons set to explode on impact or via proximity under automated control.The final weapon modification was the refit of the foredeck gun turret with a Republican Industries Type 99 200.02 mm (7.8748 in.) Heavy Gauss Cannon, in addition to modifications to the magazine and auto-loader.
The development of the Republican Industries Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile was a feat in studying the concept of the pre-cataclysm ASROC and reproducing it using modern technology. The new anti-submersible weapon would be pre-programmed before launch and then once in the vicinity of the programmed coordinates it would jettison a cargo of a parachute dropped Short-Range Sonar Guided Torpedo before splashing down harmlessly well beyond its dropped payload. The vertical launch Medium-Range Missiles, also capable of cycling into and firing from the same launch tubes as the RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missiles, initially are guided via the on-board sensors of the No-Dachi Class Corvette and then are guided by either shipboard laser targeting or via integral radar/electro-optical sensors.
The most significant change between the original Type 84 and the Type 84/98 No-Dachi Class Corvette however lay with its sensors. The sensor tower is replaced with an all new type capped with a Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array & Long Range Optics "Octogon" in place of the old High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar Radome. This new systems package works for both Aerial & Surface Tracking Radar over long distances in addition to offering long-range optics over a 360 degree radius.
These measures served to lighten the No-Dachi Class Corvette by nearly 500 tons, increased speed slightly and enhanced the ASW capabilities significantly with a moderate reduction of surface combat capabilities. It also improved the class's ability to remain on station for lengthened durations thanks to the added capacity to accommodate a cargo laden Hover-Chopper. In this configuration the No-Dachi Class all but eliminated dangerous sea monsters from the waters surrounding the Misty Isles. This configuration also saw heavy combat against the four capital class fleet submersibles of Water Point Preserve during the opening stages of the Freighter War of March 104PA, two of which were destroyed with all hands aboard perishing and the other two received major damage before surrendering. The Triton and Khnum received heavy damage as a result of the battle as where the Poseidon and Kormath suffered only minor damage.
In 108-110PA the type received an extensive refit including a revised superstructure, replacement of the single retractable magnesium flash flare and chaff cannister launcher with one on either side of the reconfigured superstructure, replacement of the accoustic sonar grenade launcher turret with a pair reconfigured retractable batteries that can fire a variety of defensive grenade types to the port or starboard side of the vessel, a revolutionary new sensor system called "Disco", which includes hundreds of powerful range finding/targeting lasers on a telescopic mount which provides an accurate view of any object that would obstruct a laser beam within 40 mi. (64.37 km.) and provide for devastatingly accurate ranged attacks, an electro-magnetic anomaly detection system with a range of 25 mi. (40.23 km.) that can detect the signature of any object concealed by the spell of Invisibility Simple or Superior, a forward aft quarterdeck hangar with modular pods for the Republican Industries Type 98 Tombo Hover-Chopper stored below accessible via a new elevator, the inclusion of a pair of turreted Republican Industries Type 88 120.02 mm (4.725 in.) Heavy Gauss Cannon on either side of the hangar, the removal of the bow medium-range missile launcher turret and the inclusion of a Vertical Mount Missile Launch System capable of accommodating either the new Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 9 Suzume (Sparrow) Intermediate Range Air to Surface/Surface to Air Missile OR the revolutionary new Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 10 Kamo (Duck) Intermediate Range Anti-Submersible Supercavitating Missile. The RI/LN Type 9 Suzume IRAS/SAM uses similar warheads to those deployed by the Coalition States, with three options for guidance - electro-optical, radar and laser. The RI/LN Type 10 Kamo IRASSCM is laser guided via sonar link until the point of impact with the surface of the water at which time it will follow its programmed course using rocket propulsion and a jet of Carbon Dioxide from just ahead of the warhead. For directional changes this missile can extend its fins and conduct minor course corrections to strike the target - provided that its target is still in its preprogrammed designated target location. Unlike its predecessor that could travel long distances and then dispense a short-range torpedo against a target the RI/LN Type 10 Kamo flies almost directly over its target and dives into the water traveling at speeds approaching 400 mph (643.7 kmph.) and is typically outfitted with a High Explosive or Armor Piercing warhead of identical yield to it's Suzume cousin. The only drawback to the second stage of the Type 10 Kamo is that once it splashes down it cannot change course due to its supercavitation preventing the use of optics and the air bubble surrounding the projectile.
As where the Type 84/98 No-Dachi Class Corvette was lightened significantly by her refit and enjoyed a higher maximum speed as a result the refit that led to the Type 84/8 No-Dachi Class Corvette made the vessel heavier than ever and thus reduced her maximum speed - with the benefit of added accuracy, more deadly submarine warfare capabilities as well as enhancing her surface combat capabilities by a significant margin between new sensor systems and the addition of the middle aft quarterdeck turrets.
Athough the No-Dachi Class has served the Republic of the Misty Isles diligently for nearly 30 years the reliance on torpedoes, depth charges and later missiles to combat submarine threats has been a severe limitation for the type throughout her career. The type is slated to begin phase-out by 114PA and end its career entirely in 118PA, with the current design of a submersible patrol corvette currently under evaluation for the designation Odachi-Class. It is quite likely that a few of the retired No-Dachi Class Corvettes will receive new reactor cores and see the removal of some systems before sale to one of the Republic's allies such as Water Point, Ft. Monty or New Hope. It is very likely that the Triton and Khnum will be scrapped due to residual weakness detected in their structure as a result of damage suffered to frames and the transversal bulkheads during the Freighter War. Thankfully for the Republic of the Misty Isles, the inherant weakness of having Cyaerotite bulkheads was learned before the construction of other capital class vessels.
Model Types: 84, 84/98 and 84/8.
Class: Corvette.
Crew: 64; 2 Helmsmen, 16 Weapon Operations Specialists, 16 Engineers, 12 Sensor Operators, 6 Marine Power Armor Operatives, 4 Communications Technicians, 2 Medics, 2 Intelligence Specialists, 2 Battle Mages, a Commanding Officer and an Executive Officer. (Note that it can accommodate up to 150 passengers in an emergency and has a brig on board that can accommodate up to 10 human sized prisoners.)
M.D.C. by Location:
200 mm or 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon Turrets (2; Type 84, 1; After 99PA) - 300 each.
120.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon Turrets (2; After 110PA) - 175 each.
Medium-Range Missile Turrets (2; Type 84, 1; After 99PA, Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 200 each.
Medium-Range Missile Magazine Elevator Doors (2; Type 84, 1; After 99PA, Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 200 each.
*Vertical Launch Missile Bay Doors (48; After 99PA) - 75 each.
Automated Defensive Rain-Gun/30.02 mm Rapid Fire Medium Gauss Cannon Turrets (4) - 100 each.
Accoustic Grenade Launcher Turret (1; Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 75.
Retractable Defensive Grenade Launcher Batteries (2; After 110PA) - 50 each.
Retractable Magnesium Flare, Starspakle & Chaff Dispensers (2) - 25 each.
Retractable Heavy Torpedo Launchers (4) - 200 each.
Depth Charge Launchers (2; Omitted from all vessels by 99PA) - 250 each.
*Railings (Per 3 ft. section; Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 25.
Gunwales (Per 3 ft. section; Fitted on all vessels by 110PA) - 75.
Sonar Imaging & Sidescan Tracking Electronic Rebound System (SISTERS) Dome - 500.
*Towed Array Passive Sonar (TAPS) - 50.
*Spotlight/Signal Lamp (2; Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 15 each.
**Laser Communucations Micro-Turrets (2; Omitted from all vessels by 110PA) - 5 each.
*Spotlight/Signal Lamp & Laser Communication Turrets (2; Fitted on all vessels by 110PA) - 25 each.
Early Stealthed Radio Masts (2; Replaced on all vessels by 110PA) - 100 each.
Late Stealthed Radio Masts (2; Fitted on all vessels by 110PA) - 75 each.
*Short-Range Marine Rotating Radar Antennae (1; 2 Fitted on all vessels by 110PA) - 25 each.
Surface Search & Fire Control Radar Radomes (2; Type 84, 1; Type 84/98, 2; Type 84/8) - 25 each.
Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Radomes (2) - 25 each.
*Short-Range Fire & Control Radar Radomes (2) - 15 each.
Sensor Tower (Early; Omitted from all vessels by 99PA) - 750.
Long-Range High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radome (1; Omitted from all vessels by 99PA) - 250.
Sensor Tower (Late; Fitted on all vessels by 99PA) - 800.
Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array & Long Range Optics "Octogon" (1; Fitted on all vessels by 99PA) - 500.
Radar Sensor Array Faces (12; Fitted to the "Octogon") - 50 each.
*Long Range Optic Components (8; Fitted to the top of the "Octogon") - 25 each.
*UHF Radio Antennae (2; Fitted to the top of the "Octogon") - 15 each.
"Disco" Laser Rangefinder/Targeting System Hatch - 150.
*"Disco" Laser Rangefinder/Targeting System - 200.
Telescopic "Disco" Laser Rangefinder/Targeting System Boom - 350.
*Exterior Hatches (6; Type 84 & Type 84/98, 10; Type 84/8.) - 100 each.
Superstructure Cargo Hold Access Door - 350.
Stern Hull Bay Doors (2) - 400 each.
Exterior Hull & Deck (8 ft. x 8 ft. Area) - 250.
Interior Hull (8 ft. x 8 ft. Area) - 300.
Waterline Belt (4 ft. x 4 ft. Area) - 500.
Interior Bulkheads (4 ft. x 4 ft. Area) - 200.
Transverse Bulkheads (4 ft. x 4 ft. Area) - 500.
Interior Hatches - 75 each.
Superstructure (4 ft. x 4 ft. Area) - 600.
Hover-Chopper Hangar - 750.
Hover-Chopper Hangar Elevator - 250.
***Ventral Electromagnetic Turbines (2) - 800 each.
***Ventral Electromagnetic Turbine Thrust Vectoring Nozzles (2) - 250 each.
***Rudders (2) - 300 each.
****Main Body - 4,750.
Note: 4 ft. x 4 ft. equates to 1.22 m. x 1.22 m.
* These targets are difficult to hit requiring a successful aimed strike at a penalty of -3.
** These targets are especially difficult to hit, due to their small size, requiring a successful aimed strike at a penalty of -5.
*** The destruction of one of the Ventral Electromagnetic Turbines reduces the speed by 75%. Destruction of these, a thrust vectoring nozzle or rudder eliminates the vessel's capability to dodge and makes maneuvering difficult for even an experienced Helmsman resulting in a -25% piloting roll per location destroyed.
**** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will destroy the structural integrity of the vessel, causing it to sink. Up to six hull breaches below the waterline at port, starboard, bow or stern sectors will result in localized flooding. Due to flood control measures, provided the hull breaches do not exceed six breaches over more than 3 of 6 sections of the hull either fore or aft, the vessel can remain afloat but traveling through the lower decks may become difficult. If the number 5 compartment is breached through its armor belt, outer hull, inner hull and passageway hall - one of the two Ventral Electromagnetic Turbines will shut down. If the number 4 compartment is breached, in the same capacity, one of the two primary reactors will execute an emergency shut down while power is channeled from the opposite side to the still functioning turbine in the number 5 compartment. Hull breaches below the waterline, in the number 2 compartment, near the bow/pop out heavy torpedo launchers will knock out the active sonar array and MAY (01-25% chance) cause secondary explosions among the torpedo magazine, inflicting 3D6 M.D. per torpedo in storage. The Heavy Gauss Cannon munitions stored in their respective magazines are both armed electronically and are initially fired by a solid propellant that is triggered during the HGC firing sequence. The Suzume & Kamo missiles use a similar electronically ignited propellant. Thus secondary explosions from these magazines are extremely unlikely - but are possible if the damage is inflicted by an Ion, Plasma or Lightning attack. (Note that the power armor operatives assigned to the No-Dachi Class Corvettes are trained as Military Armorers and to affix emergency patches under combat conditions.)
Maximum Speed: 45.2 Knots. (52 mph/83.7 kmph.)
Maximum Effective Range: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply. However, the No-Dachi Class Corvettes are limited by the needs of the crew. Fourteen berthing compartments with four bunks and lockers are provided for the enlisted personnel in addition to eight staterooms for the Captain, his Executive Officer, two Coremen, two Intelligence Officers and two Battle Mages. Additionally there are showers and facilities for both men and women, a messdeck, a wardroom, a well equipped sickbay, a heavily reinforced brig for up to ten prisoners, a water purification unit with a 500 gallon (1,893 L.) reserve and storage for enough provisions to support the crew and up to 30 passengers for two months. After 99PA a landing-pad was built up on the fantail of this class of vessel allowing it to take on emergency provisions, resupply munitions, resupply parts and offload passengers, prisoners or the wounded. The No-Dachi Class Corvettes are intended as heavy patrol vessels to monitor the waters surrounding the Republic of the Misty Isles and so are typically only assigned to be at sea for 30 day periods of time.
Statistical Data:
Height: Type 84: 81 ft. (24.69 m.) (From the waterline to the top of the LRHRAS & T Radar Radome.); Type 84/98: 75 ft., 9 in. (23.09 m.) (From the waterline to the highest point of the UHF Radio Array.); Type 84/8: 73 ft., 6 in. (22.4 m.) (From the waterline to the highest point of the UHF Radio Array.)
Draft: Type 84: 19 ft. (5.79 m.); Type 84/98: 18 ft., 3 in. (5.56 m.); Type 84/8: 20 ft. 6 in. (6.25 m.)
Width/Beam: 39 ft, 11 in. (12.17 m.)
Length: 327 feet, 6 inches. (99.82 m.)
Weight/Displacement: Type 84: 3,550 tons; Type 84/98: 3,048 tons; Type 84/8: 3,780 tons.
Cargo: The heaviest variant, the Type 84/8, can accommodate up to 500 tons of extraneous cargo in the cargo hold, passageways and on deck. The ship's armory contains 8 Republican Industries Type 84 Kamiken Multi-Environment Tactical Assault Suits (These were replaced by 8 Republican Industries Type 8 Tenshi Strategic Armored Military Assault Suits in 109PA.), 30 suits of Republican Industries Type 78 Yoroi Environmental Body Armor, 2 suits of Blue Water Mages Guild Type 79 Mahou Yoroi Body Armor, 24 Pulse-Laser Rifles, 8 Pulse-Laser Pistols and 8 cases of 12 Energy Clips.
Power System: Nuclear, Dual Capos Industries CI17N-EX Hafnium 178 Reactors; Average energy life of 30 years.
Market Cost: The Republic of the Misty Isles has never sold a single No-Dachi Class Corvette though the concept of selling retired No-Dachi Class Corvettes has been tabled but is not likely to take place until 120PA or later. Potential customers include the City of Water Point, Tritonia, New Hope or Fort Monty. If a decision to sell these decommissioned vessels is made the price tag is likely to be 850 to 900 million credits!
Weapon Systems
1. Royal Armory 200 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon or Republican Industries Type 99 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon Turrets (2; Type 84, 1; Type 84/98 & Type 84/8): The primary weapon of the No-Dachi Class Corvette was originally intended to be the Royal Armory of Desert Star 200 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon, in two single mount turrets. Unlike traditional artillery or naval artillery pieces that rely upon shell casings or powder bags, these weapons utilize a solid fuel in a thin ceramic casing, that has a small open port at the terminal end which an electrical conduit comes in contact with when chambered, and disintegrates upon firing. As the shell travels down the barrel it passes through a series of gauss coils that accellerate the shell in a similar fashion to a rail gun, increasing the muzzle velocity to a staggering Mach 12! During this vessel's class refit of 98-99PA, the aft turret was omitted in favor of a fantail landing pad for Hover-Choppers while the bow turret was refitted with a domestically produced variant of the same cannon, designated the Republican Industries Type 99 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon, which can chamber Royal Armory 200 mm shells as well as Republican Industries 200.02 mm shells. At this point, with the addition of sizable numbers of vertical launch missiles, this weapon was relegated to that of a secondary armament.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 200 mm High Explosive: 2D6x10 M.D.; Used for indirect fire attacks. 200 mm Armor Piercing: 1D4x100 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" attacks. 200.02 mm High Explosive: 5D6x10 M.D.; Used for indirect fire attacks. 200.02 mm Armor Piercing: 1D6x100 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" attacks. 200.02 mm Armor Piercing, Sabot Discarding: 1D4x100 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" kinetic impact attacks.
Blast Radius: High Explosive: Approximately 25 ft. (7.62 m.) radius of the point of impact is full damage, 50 ft. (15.24 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/2 damage, 100 ft. (30.48 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/4 damage. Armor Piercing: 10 ft. (3.04 m.) radius of the point of impact is full damage, 20 ft. (6.08 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/2 damage, 40 ft. (12.16 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/4 damage. Armor Piercing, Sabot Discarding is point of impact only.
Rate of Fire: Each turret is equipped with an auto-loading mechanism that draws the designated shell type from two munition types for the Royal Armory 200 mm Heavy Gauss Cannons and three munition types for the Republican Industries Type 99 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon, for a maximum of 4 shots per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 33,000 ft. (10,058 m.) or 6.25 mi. (10 km.) away on a -5 to +5 degree trajectory. The cannons can elevate to +50 degrees allowing for a maximum indirect firing range of 247,500 ft. (75,438 m.) or 47 mi. (75 km.) away.
Payload: Each cannon has a heavily armored magazine containing 300 shells in a locked vertical position where the "grasper" armatures can grasp them in preparation for firing. The original Type 84 carried 150 HE and 150 AP shells as where the Type 84/98-Type 84/8 carries 100 HE, 100 AP and 100 APSD shells.
Weapon Bonus: Each turret has an independant Surface Search Fire & Control Radar that works out to a maximum range of 30 miles (48.28 km.) away and conventional Optical Rangefinder & Targeting Systems that work out to a maximum range of 10 miles (16 km.) away. Where surface radar can be relied upon these weapons receive a bonus of +3 to strike. Where the Optical Rangefinder & Targeting Systems must be relied on, this bonus is reduced to only +1 to strike. (These bonuses are in addition to the Weapon Operation Specialist's skill related bonuses.)
2. Medium-Range Missile Launcher Turrets (2; Type 84, 1; Type 84/98): These were originally intended as secondary weapon systems intended to support the primary cannons as well as engage aerial targets from a reasonable distance. They are box type missile launchers with a payload of six, with the unique capability of being able to tilt back, and slip down to a hatch through which all six missiles may be reloaded within 15 seconds (1 melee) OR switched out within 30 seconds (2 melees) to allow for the next series of volleys to be fired. Each launcher can only ever be loaded with one type of missile at a time as that is the way the loading mechanism was designed.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Warship.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. The armored magazine for missile storage is geared to accommodate two different missile types. Armor Piercing and High Explosive are the types the No-Dachi Class Corvette is typically loaded out with. During the late days of the Freighter War the Armor Piercing missiles were offloaded and replaced by Fragmentation missiles for bombardment of entrenched enemies on the islands that shield the modern city of Water Point.
Blast Radius: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: Each launcher can fire missiles individually or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6 missiles at a time.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile type.
Payload: Each launcher holds 6 missiles but can be reloaded within 15 seconds (1 melee) from independant below-deck magazines which contain 84 missiles each.
Weapon Bonus: The missiles aboard the Type 84 can be slaved to either the Long-Range High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar or one of two Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems located on either side of the sensor tower. The Type 84/98 upgrade allowed missiles to be slaved to the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array or one of the two Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems. This upgrade also saw a missile guidance upgrade with an added feature in that they can be set to obey a remote laser targeting unit as provided by an appropriately equipped patrol aircraft or hover-chopper. Using the Long-Range High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar, Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array, Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems a bonus of +3 to strike can be applied against aerial or surface targets detected via on-board radar as where laser targeting will provide a bonus of +5 to strike.
3. Republican Industries Type 88 120.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon Turrets (2; Type 84/8): These lighter 120.02 mm heavy gauss cannon turrets were installed during the 108-110PA refit, on either side of the new hover-chopper hangar, to augment the vessel's capacity for surface warfare without having to rely so greatly upon the limited supply of missiles carried by the Vertical Launch Missile Battery. It is a considered a secondary weapon system though for the No-Dachi Class's contemporaries they would be considered a primary weapon system. Like the RI Type 99 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon Turret the firing mechanisms are identical, though on a smaller scale and draw shells via its auto-loading mechanism from a reconfiguration of the former below deck depth charge magazines. Similarly, while chambered for 120.02 mm shells it is configured to accommodate Royal Armory and Iron Heart Armaments 120 mm cannon shells as well.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 120 mm High Explosive: 1D6x10 M.D.; Used for indirect fire attacks. 120 mm Armor Piercing: 5D6x10 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" attacks. 120.02 mm High Explosive: 4D6x10 M.D.; Used for indirect fire attacks. 120.02 mm Armor Piercing: 1D4x100 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" attacks. 120.02 mm Armor Piercing, Sabot Discarding: 5D6x10 M.D.; Used for "flat trajectory" kinetic impact attacks.
Blast Radius: High Explosive: Approximately 20 ft. (6.1 m.) radius of the point of impact is full damage, 40 ft. (12.2 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/2 damage, 80 ft. (24.1 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/4 damage. Armor Piercing: 5 ft. (1.52 m.) radius of the point of impact is full damage, 10 ft. ( 3.05 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/2 damage, 20 ft. (6.1 m.) radius of the point of impact is 1/4 damage. Armor Piercing, Sabot Discarding is point of impact only.
Rate of Fire: Each turret is equipped with an auto-loading mechanism that draws the designated shell type from three munition types for a maximum of 5 shots per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 20,000 ft. (6,096 m.) or 3.79 mi. (6.06 km.) away on a -5 to +5 degree trajectory. The cannons can elevate to +50 degrees allowing for a maximum indirect firing range of 148,500 ft. (45,262.8 m.) or 28.13 mi. (45.26 km.) away.
Payload: Each cannon has a heavily armored magazine containing 150 shells in a locked vertical position where the "grasper" armatures can grasp them in preparation for firing. The original Type 84/8 carries 50 HE, 50 AP and 50 APSD shells.
Weapon Bonus: Each turret has an independant Surface Search Fire & Control Radar that works out to a maximum range of 30 miles (48.28 km.) away and conventional Optical Rangefinder & Targeting Systems that work out to a maximum range of 10 miles (16.09 km.) away. Where surface radar can be relied upon these weapons receive a bonus of +3 to strike. Where the Optical Rangefinder & Targeting Systems must be relied on, this bonus is reduced to only +1 to strike. (These bonuses are in addition to the Weapon Operation Specialist's skill related bonuses.)
4. Vertical Launch Missile Battery (1; Type 84/98 & Type 84/8): With the refit of 98-99PA the aft Medium-Range Missile Launcher Turret and loading mechanisms were omitted in favor of a more simplistic vertical launch missile battery that is electronically fed target details through the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array, one of the two Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems or the SISTERS/ASAP Systems, for the Republic's early RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile, immediately before launch and mid-flight coming to rely upon its pre-programmed course, its own Infrared/Electro-Optical Guidance system OR via a remote laser targeting unit to reach its target. With the introduction of the Vertical Launch Missile Battery this weapon became the primary armament of the No-Dachi Class Corvette over the Republican Industries Type 99 200.02 mm Heavy Gauss Cannon in the forward turret. During the extensive refit of 108-110PA, the old VLMB was ripped out in favor of an on-board hangar for a Republican Industries Type 98 Tombo Modular Hover-Chopper, along with an elevator to swap out the Hover-Chopper's module. Afterwards the forward Medium-Range Missile Launcher Turret and loading mechanisms were removed just as the aft unit was in 98-99PA and a new VLMB was installed forward of the bridge. The refit of 108-110PA however saw the introduction of a new system that made line-of-sight missile launches so precise they could strike a credit coin sized area at the verge of the horizon in the right weather conditions; The "Disco" Laser Rangefinder & Targeting System. The 108-110PA refit saw another significant change in that the Republic ceased using standardized Short-Range, Medium-Range and Long-Range Missiles and began deploying its own unique missile designs instead. In place of the original Medium-Range Missiles and RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missiles were the Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 9 Suzume (Sparrow) Intermediate-Range Air to Surface/Surface to Air Missile and the revolutionary new Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 10 Kamo (Duck) Intermediate-Range Anti-Submersible Supercavitating Missile.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship & Anti-Submersible.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Mega-Damage: Type 84/98; Varies with missile type; The Republican Industries Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile blasts its nose and sides away to release a High Explosive Short-Range Torpedo moments before impacting the water's surface. See page 117 of RIFTS Mercenaries for details regarding damage. Type 84/8; Although capable of employing standard Medium-Range Missiles is typically outfitted with the new Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 9-AP or Type 9-HE Suzume (Sparrow) Intermediate-Range Air to Surface/Surface to Air Missile which inflict 3D6x10 M.D. and 4D4x10 M.D. respectively and the Republican Industries/L & N Electronics Type 10-HE Kamo (Duck) Intermediate-Range Anti-Submersible Supercavitating Missile. This two stage missile jettisons its primary rocket motor and radio signal receiver at a pre-set distance from its projected point of dive and ignites its secondary rocket and compressed air-jet from its nose a moment before it strikes the water and then streaks directly towards it at a speed of 400 mph (347.59 Knots/643.74 kmph.), inflicting 3D4x10+10 M.D. upon impact. (Note that the Suzume travels at a speed of Mach 3 (2,010 mph/3234.78 kmph.), while the Kamo travels through the air at Mach 2.5 (1,675 mph/2,695.65 kmph.) but slows through wind resistance after jettisoning its primary rocket motor to its optimal dive speed.)
Blast Radius: Type 84/98; Varies with missile type. Type 84/8; 5 ft. (1.52 m.) for the Type 9-AP Suzume, 20 ft. (6.1 m.) for the Type 9-HE Suzume and 30 ft. (9.14 m.) for the Type 10-HE Kamo.
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles individually or in volleys of 3, 6, 12, 24 or 48! The Type 84/8, while using the "Disco" system can simultaneously target 48 separate points of impact thereby avoiding the detonation of an entire volley once they have been armed and fired.
Maximum Effective Range: Type 84/98; Varies with missile type. Type 84/8; The RI/LN Type 9 Suzume in both varieties has a maximum effective range of 50 miles (80.48 km.), owing to its Active Radar Targeting/Passive Infra-Red Targeting/Passive Laser Targeting Guidance Systems. The RI/LN Type 10 Kamo has a maximum effective range of 30 miles (48.28 km.) and relies upon coded radio transmissions to adjust course and plot its point of dive in accordance with the SISTERS/ASAP systems aboard the No-Dachi Class Corvette.
Payload: Type 84/98; 48 High Explosive Medium-Range Missiles, 48 Armor Piercing Medium-Range Missiles and 48 RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missiles. Type 84/8; 48 RI/LN Type 9-HE Suzume, 48 RI/LN Type 9-AP Suzume and 48 RI/LN Type 10-HE Kamo.
Weapon Bonus: Type 84/98; Missiles can be slaved to the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array, one of the two Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems or in the alternative a remote laser targeting unit as provided by an appropriately equipped patrol aircraft or hover-chopper. The RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile is fed guidance data from the SISTERS/ASAP sonar systems on board prior to launch along with the projected course and speed of the target. Once the Short-Range Torpedo contained within splashes down it utilizes Active Sonar to track its way to its target. Type 84/8; The only deviation from the previous refit was the inclusion of the new "Disco" Laser Rangefinder & Targeting System that allows for the No-Dachi Class Corvette to deploy its new missile types using laser targeting without the constant need for support aircraft. Using the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array, Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Systems a bonus of +3 to strike can be applied against aerial or surface targets detected via on-board radar as where laser targeting will provide a bonus of +5 to strike.
5. Retractable Heavy Torpedo Launchers (4; Forward facing, below the waterline of the bow.): Intended as the primary weapon to use against sea-monsters and submersibles when the type was originally designed in the early 80's these weapon systems became a vestigial and supplementary weapon system after the 98-99PA refit and the introduction of the RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile. Located in the bow of the vessel, beneath the waterline, are a quartet of retractable heavy torpedo launchers to use against sea-monsters and submersibles. The loading mechanism for these weapon systems is of a novel design in that each time the launcher is retracted into the hull a new torpedo is chambered but is not armed until the launcher is extended to its firing position. Initially these high-explosive heavy torpedoes were purchased from the City of Water Point but in 89PA Republican Industries obtained the license to produce them domestically as the Republican Industries Type 89-HE Active-Sonar Guided Heavy Torpedo.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Sea-Monster.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Submersible & Anti-Warship.
Mega-Damage: See page 117 of RIFTS Mercenaries for details.
Blast Radius: 20 ft. (6.1 m.)
Rate of Fire: Each Retractable Heavy Torpedo Launcher can fire up to four torpedoes per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: See page 117 of RIFTS Mercenaries for details.
Payload: 10 in four separate armored magazines for a total of 40 Heavy High Explosive Torpedoes.
6. Compressed Air-Launched HE Depth Charge Launchers (Type 84; 2, Rear facing, located on the fantail.): Two enclosed depth-charge launcher racks with shutter doors within, compliment the Retractable Heavy Torpedo Launchers in fighting sea-monsters and submersibles, that are fed by a blast resistant elevator from below deck magazines. The Depth Charge Launchers can expel up to 5 charges in rapid succession via a compressed air system to a range of 60 feet (18.29 m.) off of the stern. Unlike the primitive depth charge launchers of the 20th century no crew is required to attend to them from outside of the Command & Control Room. The Depth Charges are electronically armed and set to detonate at a predesignated depth as determined via the SISTERS/ASAP sonar systems anywhere from 100 ft. (30.48 m.) to 10,000 ft. (3,048 m.) below the surface. The advent of the RI Type 97 Medium-Range Anti-Submersible Missile and the later RI/LN Type 10 Kamo Intermediate-Range Anti-Submersible Supercavitating Missile and the need for a landing pad proved this weapon system obsolescent by the 98-99PA refit.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Sea-Monster.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Submersible.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 M.D. per explosive charge.
Blast Radius: 60 ft. (18.29 m.) plus 15 ft. (4.57 m.) per explosive charge in the grouping.
Rate of Fire: Each launcher can expel up to 1 to 5 charges at a time; Both launchers can be set to fire simultaneous groupings of depth charges.
Maximum Effective Range: The depth charges may be expelled as far as 60 ft. (18.29 m.) off the stern, but are set to detonate at a minimum depth of 100 ft. (30.48 m.) and a maximum depth of 10,000 ft. (3,048 m.) underwater.
Payload: 5 Depth charges are loaded in each launcher at all times with an additional 15 held in reserve in each of the two magazines.
7. Automated Defensive Multi-Barrel Rain-Gun/Automated Defensive Medium Gauss Auto-Cannon Turrets (4): The Type 84 No-Dachi Class Corvette was initially equipped with 4 Royal Armory MBRG-27 12.7 mm Automated Defensive Multi-Barrel Rail-Guns with a high rate of fire, 2 to the foredeck and 2 to the aft deck, to protect the vessel against incoming missiles and low flying monsters/aircraft. While fairly effective in tests to defend against missiles and light mega-damage drones pitted against the vessel, they were ill equipped to deal with large numbers of missiles coming in from differing vectors due to their direct line of fire destructive capabilities. As a result, Republican Industries studied the 30 mm medium gauss auto-cannons available for purchase from the Royal Armory of Desert Star and developed their own derivative as a replacement, resulting in the Republican Industries Type 90 30.02 mm Automated Defensive Medium Gauss Auto-Cannon turrets. These new weapon systems replaced the rail guns in the 98-99PA refit and have remained the primary defensive weapon against missiles and low flying monsters/aircraft since. A unique feature to the 30.02 mm ammunition used by this weapon system is that the computer control for the automated turret can lay down a barrage of cannon fire and through programming a chip in the cannon shells - and cause the shells to detonate at a predesignated point to effect an area of the perimeter of the vessel.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aerial Monster/Aircraft.
Mega-Damage: Royal Armory MBRG-27 12.7 mm Automated Defensive Multi-Barrel Rail-Gun; 2D4x10 M.D. per burst of 100 rounds. Republican Industries Type 90 30.02 mm Automated Medium Gauss Auto-Cannon; 2D6x10+10 M.D. per burst of 10 cannon shells on direct impact over a radius of 5 ft. (1.52 m.); 1D6+5 M.D. if detonated in its flight path to effect a 30 ft. (9.14 m.) radius.
Rate of Fire: The automated onboard computer can take aim and fire up to 6 bursts per melee. In the alternative the weapon operation specialists may opt to override the computer and operate them independantly from command & control.
Maximum Effective Range: Royal Armory MBRG-27 12.7 mm Automated Defensive Multi-Barrel Rail-Gun; 6,000 ft. (1,828.8 m.) - Republican Industries Type 90 30.02 mm Automated Defensive Medium Gauss Auto-Cannon; 9,000 ft. (2,743.2 m.).
Payload: Each Automated Defensive Multi-Barrel Rail-Gun draws its ammunition from a 10,000 round drum - equating to 100 bursts per rail-gun; The Automated Defensive Medium Gauss Auto-Cannons draw their ammunition from independant 2,000 round drums, equaling a total of 200 bursts per auto-cannon.
Weapon Bonus: The automated computer draws information from the entire sensor network as well as its own integral optical sensors allowing it to accurately defend against targets above, at sea level and just beneath the water's surface at a bonus of +4 to strike.
8. Retractable Magnesium Flash & Chaff Charge Launcher(s) (1; Type 84 & Type 84/98 - Behind the sensor tower. 2; Type 84/8 - Sides of the superstructure.): This purely defensive system is intended to spoof missiles, tracking/guidance systems and sensors by launching cannisters 100 ft. (30.48 m.) over the vessel and detonating in a brilliant white-hot magnesium flash and spreads aluminum chaff over a 100 ft. (30.48 m.) radius, providing a 01-70% chance of blinding infrared and electro-optical systems for 1D4 melees and a 01-80% chance of confusing radar systems for 1D4 minutes. During the 108-110PA refit the launchers were changed out for a new model that launched a slightly larger cannister that spreads powdered chromium-molybdenum alloy nicknamed "Starsparkle" over the same 100 ft. (30.48 m.) radius as the chaff, and remains viable for 1D4 melees, that has a 01-50% chance of spoofing laser targeting systems AND a 01-20% chance to defuse/deflect incoming laser or ion attacks!
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Tactical Maneuver.
Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 4 or 5 cannisters may be deployed, per launcher, providing a cumulative +10% modifier to each effect described above per cannister launched.
Payload: 25 per launcher.
9. Defensive Accoustic Grenade Launcher Turret (1; Type 84 & 84/98): This turreted system is designed, not as an offensive weapon, but a defensive system. It fires off short-ranged rifle-like grenades, similar to flash-bang grenades but without the flash but a much louder bang. Sonar signal receivers can detect the report of these grenades within a 150 mi. (241.4 km.) radius. Within a 15 mi. (24.14 km.) radius any sonar receiver in operations has a 01-70% chance of being overloaded, requiring a complete systems check and restart, which takes approximately 1D6 minutes. Within a 1.5 mi. (2.41 km.) radius the report of this explosive grenade has a 01-80% chance of frying any sonar receiver that is activated at the time. (This system has a failsafe mechanism that shuts down the SISTERS/ASAP Sonar Systems for 5 seconds after firing.) The result is not only useful against shipboard sensors but also against active sonar guided torpedoes as 01-90% of them will self destruct to prevent collateral damage at losing "sight" of its target. (Firing more than one grenade increases the range of effect by 25%.)
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sonar Arrays.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D.
Blast Radius: 30 ft. (9.14 m.) in addition to +5 ft. (1.52 m.) per grenade fired in the salvo.
Rate of Fire: Accoustic grenades may be fired individually or in salvos of 2, 4 or 8.
Maximum Effective Range: 800 ft. (234.84 m.); See above for the effect.
Payload: 8; With an additional 64 accoustic grenades in storage, but must be reloaded manually.
10. Retractable Defensive Grenade Launcher Batteries (2; Type 84/8): These systems increased the number of grenades that could be fired at one time, improved stealth features and introduced three new countermeasure devices in addition to the original basic Accoustic Grenade. (See above for details.) Unlike the turret mount these grenade launching batteries can only fire their grenades towards the port or starboard side of the vessel - as it was learned that the accoustic grenades were equally effective regardless of which direction they were fired in. The first new device became known as the "Blowfish" and was loosely based on the Wilk's Beehive Laser Grenade. It would inflate a small float around its perimeter while in flight and land with its ultraviolet laser device underwater due to the weight orientation. It's passive sonar detection system, with a proximity sensor of a 100 ft. (30.48 m.) range, would arm the laser and fire a single spread of laser fire in a 100 ft. (30.48 m.) radius - melting down its core in the process. The second would also deploy a float around its perimeter while in midair and became nicknamed the "Mimic". It would land with its weighted sonar array submerged. Equipped with a single sonar receiver that would record the exact frequency, it would then send out sonar pulses in a half dozen different directions mimicking different sonar return distances and angles - thereby confusing the torpedo. This system, without disturbing on-board sensors or damaging sonar receivers stands a 01-75% chance of causing incoming torpedoes from veering off course and away from its target. The third, and only offensive system utilized by this system, is a grenade called the "Mini-Mine Grenade" that dispurses ten half dollar sized clear gel filled explosive devices. Upon impact with the water the rubbery coating becomes sticky/gummy but will remain afloat and will stick to any solid surface it comes in contact with. A pursuing vessel will pick up 2D4+2 of these devices on it's hull from a single grenade. After it has been confirmed that the enemy has passed through the micro-mines a coded radio signal can be sent out to detonate all of them simultaneously. Once in the water, the plastic coating of the Micro-Mines becomes gel-like and will dissolve after 30 minutes of exposure to sea water. Afterwards they will harmlessly diffuse into the surrounding waters.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sonar Arrays.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. for the standard accoustic grenades, 3D6+2 M.D. for the Blowfish, No damage for the Mimic (See above.) and 3D6 M.D. per Mini-Mine deployed by the Mini-Mine Grenade.
Blast Radius/Area of Effect: Accoustic Grenades; 30 ft. (9.14 m.) in addition to +5 ft. (1.52 m.) per grenade fired in the salvo, 100 ft. (30.48 m.) radius per Blowfish and 5 ft. (1.52 m.) per Mini-Mine.
Rate of Fire: Grenades may be fired individually or in salvos of 4, 9 or 18.
Maximum Effective Range: 800 ft. (234.84 m.)
Payload: 18 per Grenade Launcher Battery, but can be reloaded via automation when retracted from two separate magazines containing 180 grenades, including 60 Accoustic Grenades, 60 Mimics, 30 Blowfish and 30 Mini-Mine Grenades per magazine.
11. Systems of Note: As described above, the No-Dachi Class Corvette is loaded with a variety of systems to aid in its mission of stealthy patrol, rescue, interdiction and inspection of foreign vessels. In addition to the systems that will be described categorically below, the No-Dachi Class Corvette is shielded against all forms of radiation and when locked down for combat duties is air tight with an air filtration system, full environmental control systems, a 48 hour independant oxygen supply and a water filtration system that draws water from the sea in through the ducted turbines.
1. Sonar Imaging & Sidescan Tracking Electronic Rebound System (SISTERS): The heart to the No-Dachi Class's ability to detect and track up to 75 submerged creatures, vehicles and "view" underwater topographic features in a three-dimensional holographic display is the forward inverted bow mounted dome containing SISTERS. Of the sonar systems integrated into the No-Dachi Class this is the active component capable of sending out a reliable Very Low Frequency sonic pulse for the ASAP to receive an accurate return from up to 25 miles (40.23 km.) away for most biological creatures, submersibles and vessels fitted with sonar resistant features and 50 miles (80.47 km.) for "hard shelled" biological creatures, conventional submersibles and conventional surface vessels. Unlike contemporary types of sonar the SISTERS array can swivel within the dome to scan to port, starboard and 45 degrees towards the depths.
2. Aquaphone System Array, Passive (ASAP): The ASAP, an acronym derived from how critical it is that this class of vessel has first warning when dealing with submerged creatures, vessels, weaponry and topography. ASAP is a network of 144 separate Passive Sonar Sensors, spread around the hull surface, that detect noises in the water, including active sonar returns from SISTERS. Although described as a system it is really just a network of sensors that transmits data back to SISTERS for analysis, identification and logging.
3. Towed Array Passive Sonar (TAPS): A small hatch below the stern launch bay can allow this class of vessel to release and utilize the TAPS passive sonar up to a mile (1.6 km) behind the vessel via tough mega-damage cable. This separates the passive sonar receptors in the TAPS system from the noise produced by the No-Dachi Class it is fitted to allowing it to pick up on even more slight sounds in the water, even while not running in stealth mode. The information gleaned by TAPS is transmitted via cable directly to SISTERS and is integrated into its computer formula and calculations.
4. Long-Range High Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar (Type 84): The primary aerial radar system of the original Type 84 and contained in a large radome at the top of the sensor tower locates targets at altitude up to 150 mi. (240 km.) away and targets off the surface of the water by 50 ft. (15.25 m.) up to 45 mi. (72 km.) away. Its integral identification and tracking system can identify the signature of pre-programmed aircraft and missile types 01-70% of the time and track up to 144 targets simultaneously.
5. Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array (Type 84/98 & Type 84/8): This system replaced the rotating radar array of the earlier Type 84 with more modern fixed panel arrays for both transmission and detection of radar waves. It can locate, track and identify up to 250 aerial targets at altitude up to 220 mi. (354.06 km.) away as well as identify the signature of pre-programmed aircraft and missile types 01-85% of the time. Unlike the Long-Range High-Resolution Aerial Search & Tracking Radar, the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array can detect and track up to 120 surface targets at a distance of 30 mi. (48.32 km.)
6. Short-Range Marine Rotating Radar Antennae (1; Type 84 & Type 84/98, 2; Type 84/8): As powerful radar used close to harbors and ports has a detrimental effect on unshielded civilian electronics, these small short-range marine rotating radar antenna were installed to provide the ability to navigate near and into ports safely. Its range is limited to 10 mi. (16 km.) and can be linked to the tracking capabilities of the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array.
7. Surface Search Fire & Control Radar (1; Type 84/98, 2; Type 84 & Type 84/8): This sensitive surface radar unit, enclosed by a radome is used to calculate barrel elevations for the cannon armaments outfitted on the vessel. Prior to the Type 84/98 refit, this system also seconded as the primary surface search radar system on board the No-Dachi Class Corvette. The maximum range of this system is 30 miles. (48.28 km.)
8. Optical Rangefinder & Targeting Scope (2): In the case that the Surface Search Fire & Control Radar has been knocked out, the target cannot be detected on radar or when targeting shore installations, these periscope-like protrusions can be raised above the Command & Control Deck to allow accurate targeting out to a maximum range of 10 miles (16.09 km.)
9. Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar (2): Mounted on either side of the sensor tower are two radar units enclosed by radomes that specifically are linked to the medium-range missile launcher turrets and Vertical Missile Launcher Batteries. Using its on board radar guidance it can direct missiles towards the target before allowing the missile's integral guidance systems take over. The maximum range of this system is 30 mi. (48.32 km.) for surface contacts and 50 mi. (80.47 km.) for aerial contacts.
10. Short-Range Fire & Control Radar (2): Mounted on either side of the sensor tower, slightly above the Guided Missile Fire & Control Radar Radomes are two small diminuitive radomes that are linked to the Close-In Weapon Systems to protect the vessel against slow flying objects, missiles and projectiles. The information gleaned from these systems is fed into the fire control computers and utilized to prioritize the interception of incoming airborne objects. These radar systems only have a range of 10 mi. (16 km.) but are automatically activated before the object enters the range by one of the more powerful radar units.
11. "Octogon" Optical Array (Type 84/98 & Type 84/8): Atop the Long-Range Active Phased Radar Array are a series of optical arrays that gives a panoramic view of the area surrounding the ship. These optical arrays include an Infra-Red Search & Track feature with a surface range of 40 mi. (64.37 km.) and an aerial range of 100 mi. (160 km.), a Long-Range Electro-Optical Search & Track System that allows the crew to zoom in on targets to identify them as far away as 40 mi. (64.37 km.) on the surface and an aerial range of 100 mi. (160 km.), in addition to a Long-Range Ultraviolet Optical Search & Track System to detect surface and aerial targets as far away as 20 mi. (32 km.) from the vessel.
12. Retractable "Disco" Laser Array Rangefinder & Targeting System (1; Type 84/8): Named for it's appearance resembling that of a Disco ball, the true name for the system is the LARTS, which is raised from within the superstructure on a telescopic boom. It includes hundreds of long-range laser rangefinders on small swivel mounts that can determine distance, course, speed of any object within 25 mi. (40 km.) and can switch from rangefinding mode to "painting" mode with the press of a button allowing the No-Dachi Class Corvette to effect precision strikes with laser guided munitions and ordinances. This wicked device can allow the vessel to launch every missile loaded in it's Vertical Launch Missile Launcher simultaneously - while targeting a precise location for each one; Meaning that shooting them down would not be so easy as simply destroying a volley. This system provides a bonus of +5 to strike with any missile capable of being aided by laser targeting.
13. Electromagnetic Anomaly Detection System (EADS) (Type 84/8): A device gleaned from Tolkeenite research during the war was the ability to calibrate a Magnetic Anomaly Detection system to specifically seek out the signature of something that is cloaked through magic, be it Chameleon, Shadow Meld, Invisibility Simple or Invisibility Superior. It possesses a 25 mi. (40 km.) range.
14. VHF/VLF/UHF Radio Communications: The No-Dachi Class Corvette is outfitted to broadcast to the horizon of approximately 30 mi. (48.32 km.) but up to 45 mi. (72 km.), using a variety of encryption codes, without factoring in any other factors. A Republican Industries Type 98 Tombo Modular Hover-Chopper can carry a pod specifically to receive a broadcast from a surface vessel and serve as a relay station either for wide scale broadcast or directional communication of 120-240 mi. (193.12-386.24 km.) range. In the alternative, with careful calculations, Skywave communication can be conducted via atmospheric bounce off of the ionosphere - resulting in a 500 mi. (804.67 km.) range. VLF transmissions are comparatively short range, a mere 20 mi. (32 km.) intended to communicate/coordinate with nearby friendly submersibles.
15. Laser Communucations Micro-Turrets (2; Type 84 & Type 84/98): These micro-turrets allow for the initial and subsequent refit types to communicate over a range of 20-40 mi. (32-64 km.), depending on the weather conditions, via laser communications with other vessels and land based installations.
16. Spotlight/Signal Lamp & Laser Communication Turrets (2; Type 84/8): These turrets are built into the base of the armored bridgewalk added during the 108-110PA refit, placing them in a less conspicuous and easily targeted location while retaining the effect of both the laser communications device as well as the signal lamp/spotlight. Range for the laser communications device is 20-40 mi. (32.19-64.37 km.), depending on weather conditions, while the signal lamp is only good for a 5-10 mi. (8-16 km.) range.
17. Glass Panel/Holographic Display Command & Control Stations: The C & C deck of the No-Dachi Class looks like something straight out of a starship, with holographic display controls for all onboard systems. It is superior to the systems utilized by their contemporaries which, at best, use heads up displays providing an overall +2 to initiative, +2 to strike and +10% to Read Sensory Equipment.
18. Coded I.F.F. Transmitter/Receiver: A separate transmitter that broadcasts the class of the vessel, RMI Navy numeral, christened name, mission, speed and course over a 40 mi. (64 km.) range and is linked with a receiver to receive signals on the same coded frequency to Identify Friend from Foe.
19. Laser Inertial Navigational Device: A standard system to aid in plotting the course, drift and speed of the vessel against existing maps of the seas surrounding the Republic of the Misty Isles - providing a +20% to navigation.
20. Microwave Array Network System (MANS): A series of 24 radar/microwave sensitive detection panels spread over the vessel. This allows the sensory system operators to determine when the vessel is within the range of an active radar system, determine if it is a standard surface sonar system or if it is an active targeting radar system.
21. Laser Array Network System (LANS): A series of 288 laser sensitive panels are spread over the entirety of the vessel. This allows the sensory system operators to determine when the vessel is being painted by a laser communication device, laser rangefinder or a painting laser for targeting.
22. B.W.M.G. Type 9 Veil of Fog (Type 84/8): One of the two new Techno-Wizard devices installed on the No-Dachi Class Corvette is this device which allows the ship to be cloaked in fog for up to 1 hour 3 times per day. Commonly vessels so outfitted will hang close to the Mists surrounding their Isles and activate this system to silently blend in while observing suspicious vessels.
23. B.W.M.G. Type 10 Energy Dissipator (Type 84/8): The second Techno-Wizard device added to the No-Dachi Class Corvette during its final refit was this Techno-Wizard device which renders the vessel entirely invulnerable to lasers, plasma, particle beams, ion beams and lightning! It can be activated up to 6 times in a 24 hour period and will last for 30 minutes at a time.
Note: This is in addition to what the Battle Mages aboard may be able to do to aid the vessel via their own magic.
© September 1996, December 2014.
This is the intellectual property of Edward A. May, based upon the works of Kevin Siembieda's RIFTS Role-Playing Game. Images produced on Windows Paint aided by materials found on
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