The Quetzalcoatle, or Quincy as it is called for short, is S-Mart's sole van design currently produced. It is an attractive vehicle to the family oriented customers, as well as to intercity courier services. Desert Star's very own mail service uses the Quincy as mail trucks. Wa-Daisho and Desert Star make use of this vehicle as taxi cabs, capable of catering to the needs of both normal humans and larger D-Bee types as well. Some enterprising buyers have even put them to use as street vendor cars, or "Roach Coaches", by having one of the side walls removed, and having a false wall put in, that is capable of raising or lowering as needed. All in all it's a very solid design, that will see very much use in the future. It's distinctive, yet attractive and sleek profile makes it popular just as well as it's usefulness however. It's windshield slopes gradually from the grill all the way to midway down the length of the vehicle, the aft end angles back from the top down towards the bumper, and it's front wheel is half recessed under an ornamental covering. The Quincy first entered production in 115PA, and new models have come out, every other year since.
Model Type:Quetalcoatle-A.